Official repository for the paper 'A cautionary tale about deep learning-based climate emulators and internal variability'. This repository compares linear pattern scaling against a CNN-LSTM for climate emulation. The models are compared on the dataset from ClimateBench and a new data summary from the MPI-ESM1.2-LR model. The repository contains all code to download data and reproduce the paper results.
For a tutorial on how to use pattern scaling for climate emulation, please see: climate_emulator_tutorial.ipynb
git clone [email protected]:blutjens/climate-emulator.git
cd climate-emulator
conda create --name emcli
conda activate emcli
conda install pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
ipython kernel install --user --name=emcli # Link conda environment to jupyter notebook
export DATA_DIR=/path/to/data/dir
mkdir -p $DATA_DIR
python --data_dir $DATA_DIR
# alternatively, follow instructions at
export PATH_CLIMATEBENCH_DATA=$DATA_DIR/data/raw/climatebench/
rm $PATH_CLIMATEBENCH_DATA/train_val.tar.gz
# Calculate LPS entry on ClimateBench scoreboard; plot LPS error map for tas, pr, dtr, pr90; and plot correlation between temperature and global cumulative CO2
jupyter notebook notebooks/calculate_climatebench_metrics.ipynb
# The trained weights of the LPS model are also stored in runs/pattern_scaling/default/models/
wandb login # call in a terminal with internet access.
export TF_GPU_ALLOCATOR=cuda_malloc_async
export KERAS_BACKEND=torch
# (optional) export WANDB_MODE='offline' # Use if compute node does have internet access.
vim runs/cnn_lstm/mpi-esm1-2-lr/default/config/config.yaml # Then edit paths to point to /path/to/data/dir
python emcli2/models/cnn_lstm/ --cfg_path 'runs/cnn_lstm/mpi-esm1-2-lr/default/config/config.yaml' --data_var 'pr' --verbose
# (optional) set config.yaml -> epochs=100 to train the CNN-LSTM and not just test if the training works.
Second code test: Train LPS and CNN-LSTM on single draws of subsets with 1,2,...,50 members. Then plot RMSE over number of realizations.
# (Need to first edit paths in below configs)
python emcli2/models/cnn_lstm/ --train_m_member_subsets --cfg_path runs/cnn_lstm/mpi-esm1-2-lr/m_member_subsets_with_m50_eval_on_all_spcmp_dwp_manyr/config/config.yaml --data_var pr
python emcli2/models/pattern_scaling/ --train_m_member_subsets --cfg_path runs/pattern_scaling/mpi-esm1-2-lr/m_member_subsets_with_m50_replace_False_eval_on_all_manyr/config/config.yaml --data_var pr
python emcli2/utils/ --plot_m_member_subsets_experiment --data_var pr
Full experiment: Train LPS and CNN-LSTM (with multiple seeds) on multiple draws of subsets with 1,2,...,50 members using SLURM. Plot RMSE over number of realizations including uncertainty bars.
# Send CNN-LSTM off to supercomputer
# Send pattern scaling to supercomputer
python emcli2/utils/ --plot_m_member_subsets_experiment --data_var pr
# repeat for --data_var pr and --data_var tas
# notebooks/explore_linear_relationships.ipynb -> Plot functional relationships in cumlative CO2 emissions, surface temperature, and precipitation; also plot for multiple regions
# notebooks/explore_local_internal_variability.ipynb -> Plot internal variability in 3-member NorESM2-LM vs 50-member MPI-ESM1.2-LR ensemble-mean; also plot for multiple regions
cd ClimateSet
# Download inputs / forcers:
python -m --cfg data_building/configs/downloader/core_dataset.yaml
# Download outputs / climate variables:
python -m --cfg data_building/configs/downloader/mpi-esm1-2-lr.yaml
# Delete years in piControl that are past np.datetime64. Maintain 400yrs.
cd /d0/lutjens/raw/CMIP6/MPI-ESM1-2-LR/
ls r1i1p1f1/piControl/@(tas|pr|uas|vas|psl|huss|tasmax|tasmin)/250_km//@(day|mon)/@(23*|24*|25*|26*|27*|28*|29*) # replace ls w. rm -r
ls r1i1p1f1/piControl/@(tas|pr|uas|vas|psl|huss|tasmax|tasmin)/250_km/@(day|mon)/@(225*|226*|227*|228*|229*) # replace ls w. rm -r
cd ~/climate-emulator
# Get that contains statistical summaries across members
# Monthly variables, e.g., tas, pr
python emcli2/dataset/ --data_var 'huss' --get_ensemble_summaries
# Compute Diurnal Temperature Range; takes ~ 16min per scenario for 30 realizations.
python emcli2/dataset/ --data_var 'dtr' --get_ensemble_summaries
# Compute extreme precipitation; takes 5hrs 30min for historical scenario and 50 realizations.
python emcli2/dataset/ --data_var 'pr90' --get_ensemble_summaries
# optional: Daily variables, e.g., pr, tasmax, tasmin
python emcli2/dataset/ --data_var 'tasmax' --get_ensemble_summaries --frequency 'day'
# Get that merges all years and ensemble members
python emcli2/dataset/ --data_var 'tas' --get_ensemble_concat
# In case of import tensorflow error in wandblogger. $ pip install tensorflow
# In case xr.openmfdataset(..., parallel=True) crashes: $ conda install --channel=conda-forge eccodes
# In case Segmentation fault: try config.yaml -> "open_data_parallel: False"
If this repository is useful for your analysis please consider citing:
title={The impact of internal variability on benchmarking deep learning climate emulators},
author={Björn Lütjens and Raffaele Ferrari and Duncan Watson-Parris and Noelle Selin},