Geomag-IMP is an open-source Python library for interpolating magnetic field perturbations onto geographic coordinates.
Geomag-IMP provides two (for now) classes for interpolating magnetic fields:
- a thin wrapper to the Gaussian Process regressor found in Scikit-learn machine learning package, a kind of optimal interpolation with little to no physical basis.
- an adaptation of a technique first described by Olaf Amm and Ari Viljanen in their 1999 EPS article "Ionospheric disturbance magnetic field continuation from the ground to ionosphere using spherical elementary current systems". The algorithm implemented here drew heavily from subsequent work by NASA's Antti Pulkinnen, perhaps most significantly, the 2003 JGR article "Ionospheric equivalent current distributions determined with the method of spherical elementary current systems").
Geomag-IMP is built on top of well-known Python scientific packages like: NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib; as well as more focused scientific packages like: ObsPy, the USGS's Geomag-Algorithms, and SpacePy (originally published by Los Alamos National Laboratory)
To install Geomag-IMP, first be sure to have a modern version of Python properly installed on your computer. Any Python (>=2.7 & <3.0) distribution should work, but we only provide instructions to get this up-and-running using Miniconda from Continuum Analytics [].
- install miniconda distribution for your operating system;
- install most Python packages (and dependencies) using
(these all require a command line; i.e., a Terminal in OsX, an Xterm
in Linux, or the Anaconda Prompt in Windows)
conda config --add channels obspy
conda install obspy
(installs many other dependencies)conda install pycurl
(required for geomag-algorithms)conda install scikit-learn
(required for Gaussian Process Regression)conda install basemap
(required for diagnostic plots)conda install ipython
(not required, but useful for debugging)
- install Python packages not recognized by Miniconda:
pip install json_tricks
(inefficient-but-portable alternative to CDF)
- install Python packages directly from GitHub:
- if Windows, git needs to be installed []
(may need to restart the Anaconda prompt to update path to find git) pip install git+
- install geomag-imp using the file in the top folder of this package:
python install
- Finally, while not strictly necessary, it is highly recommended that you install software for handling NASA's common data format (CDF):
- NASA's CDF library []
- Los Alamos National Lab's SpacePy (
pip install spacepy
(NOTE: The most recent version of SpacePy is difficult to install on
Windows, requiring a no-longer-standard 32-bit Python installation,
32-bit CDF library, 32-bit MINGW compilers, and a variety of other
tweaks. We do not officially support Windows at this time)
The heart of Geomag-IMP is a collection of Python modules that take as input a set of geographically located magnetic perturbations, and interpolate between them to arbitrary locations. For now, relevant documentation is in the source:
geomag_imp - a wrapper module that provides access to:
- geomag_imp.gpKernels - an alias to scikit-learn's Gaussian Process Kernel module
- geomag_imp.gpRegressor - an alias to scikit-learn's Gaussian Process Regressor class
- geomag_imp.secs - object class designed to hold spherical elementary current system (SECS) used to interpolate magnetic perturbations. It is analagous (but not the same as) a GP kernel.
- geomag_imp.secsRegressor - object class that does the actual interpolation of magnetic perturbations. It optimizes the secs object to minimize the discrepancy between measured and secs-predicted perturbations. It is analagous to (but not the same as) a GP regressor.
- geomag_imp.imp_io - module with miscellaneous IO methods. Some have non-standard dependencies. Eventually, this will be refactored to work with a more formal data model.
Geomag-IMP does not provide a full-featured application, but it provides a small set of useful "demonstration" scripts that may be adapted to for relatively simple operational requirements. These are:
- - downloads XYZF geomagnetic data, then decomposes into secular variation (sv), solar quiet (sq), and disturbance (dt) components. Also generates a time-dependent standard deviation (sd) of disturbance, which can be a useful diagnostic.
Only a list of valid observatories can be specified on the command line, but additional configuration options are available and explained at the beginning of the script.
An example call:
> python BOU
...generates output files:
./Disturbance/bouYYYYMMDDv_dt_min.min ./StandardDeviation/bouYYYYMMDDv_sd_min.min ./SolarQuiet/bouYYYYMMDDv_sq_min.min ./SecularVariation/bouYYYYMMDDv_sv_min.min
...and state files for each channel:
./PriorState/SqDistState_BOUX ./PriorState/SqDistState_BOUY ./PriorState/SqDistState_BOUZ ./PriorState/SqDistState_BOUF
These allow the script to be run repeatedly, each time generating new sv, sq, dt, and sd data from the previous run up to the "present". Note that, eventually, the USGS will provide a real time data service for these data, so will no longer be necessary.
- - this reads sq and dt data produced by for a collection of magnetic observatories, combines them, then generates gridded maps of synthetic magnetic perturbations using the secsRegressor.
An example call:
> python BOU CMO FRN
...generates a single file:
This file holds the original observatory data for the input observatories specified on the command line, in addition to the gridded data. The interval in the filename reflects the interval of data processed. The extension will correspond to the output format configured at the beginning of the script.
- - similar to, but uses Gaussian Process regressor instead of SECS. This is included mostly for validation purposes.
- - this generates diagnostic plots of the horizontal magnetic vector field over North America. It takes as input the filename generated by make_imp*.py, and simply processes the data held in that file. It generates PNG images, and places them in a Plots/ subdirectory.
A very simple demonstration of how to use these tools is provided in the data/ folder. The shell script calls Python scrips in the recommended sequence. The directories into which data is placed are configurable from the respective Python scripts, but leaving them unchanged will facilitate future diagnoses should anything go wrong.