This project implements a method for the computation of gravity induced by an arbitrarily shaped body which I developed as my bachelor's degree thesis.
- GLM:
- SDL2:
- Metal:
- OpenGL:
- OpenMP:
- Dear ImGUI:
Only GLM and Metal are required for the basic functionality, which is provided by three namespaces, gravity, util and GPUComputing. util and GPUComputing have no dependency other than the above-mentioned ones; util provides general purpose funcionality, while GPUComputing provides GPU accelerated computations, which are implemented with Metal, which means the whole project can run only on macOS. util and GPUComputing provide services for the gravity namespace, which exposes the interface for the core functionality. Documentation can be found in the corresponding header file (gravity.hpp). The rest of the project consists of a mesh abstraction, a glsl shader utility class and a main, which provides an environment which allow to try and test functionalities.