Welcome to the MCMC_library repository, a pristine Python library that offers a comprehensive implementation of the Likelihood-Based Metropolis-Hastings (MH) Algorithm.
- Supports both block-wise and component-wise transfer methods.
- Provides options for different proposal distributions (uniform and normal).
- Allows for easy integration of custom target distributions.
- Python 3.x
- NumPy
- CuPy (for GPU acceleration)
- SciPy
You can install the required dependencies using pip:
The power of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is at your fingertips with just a single command:
# Define the target_distribution, proposal_distribution, and other parameters
# target_distribution: The target distribution you want to sample from.
# It should be a function that calculates the probability density of a given sample.
# proposal_distribution: The proposal distribution used to generate candidate samples from the current sample.
# It determines how new samples are explored in the space.
# Common choices include 'uniform' or 'normal'.
# transfer_method: The transfer method specifying how to accept or reject candidate samples generated from the proposal distribution.
# Common choices include 'component-wise' or 'block-wise'.
# gpu_flag: Whether to enable GPU acceleration. If set to True, the algorithm will utilize GPU for computation (if available).
samples = MetropolisHastings(target_distribution=target_distribution,
width=1.0, sigma=1.0)