In the spirit of ThoughtWorks' Technology Radar, we've decided to make our own tech radar.
We've started this a few times, but now we've got a repo, so we can update it more easily.
We're just listing things that are on our radar, not generally giving them a rating. We won't generally list things that we don't think we should be using. We may make some exceptions if we find things that didn't work out as we expected. More likely, we'll just remove things from the radar, and use the git log as a record.
We've got our radar divided up into a few different categories:
- Process - tools and techniques to help with the development process
- Ruby - libraries and tools to work with Ruby, Rails, and other Ruby frameworks
- JavaScript - libraries and tools to work with JavaScript
- HTML - tools to work with HTML
- CSS - tools to work with CSS, UI, UX, and other design issues