#Simple Calorie Tracker
Our goal for this hackathon is to build a simple calorie tracker, a user-friendly calorie tracking app that helps users monitor their daily food intake and stay on track with their health goals. The app will allow users to log the food they eat, view nutritional information, and track their total calories consumed for the day.
- User Authentication: Simple login and account creation to save and manage personal data.
- Food Logging: Users can add food items, search for common foods, and input custom meals.
- Daily Calorie Overview: A dashboard displaying the total calories consumed versus the user's daily goal.
- Responsive UI: Designed for mobile and web to ensure a seamless experience.
The focus is on building a lightweight, intuitive app that can be expanded with more features in the future.
##Expected Stack and tools:
- Firebase for user authentication, storage, and hosting
- CalorieNinja API for food database
- Backend: nodejs
- Frontend: React with Nextjs
- Inspo Screenshots