Tags: bovender/dora
Version 3.2.0 Changed - Upgraded `baseimage-docker` to [rel-1.0.13](https://github.com/phusion/passenger-docker/releases/tag/rel-1.0.13). - If wkhtmltopdf is present, do not attempt to download it again. - When executing the Bash shell with the default user (root) inside the container, the environment variables are now being properly set by sourcing `/etc/container_environment.sh` in `.bashrc`. - The Bash prompt now displays the values of `$APP_NAME` and `$RAILS_ENV`. - `host.docker.internal` now resolves to the container host.
Version 3.1.0 Changed - Upgraded `baseimage-docker` to [rel-1.0.12](https://github.com/phusion/passenger-docker/releases/tag/rel-1.0.12). - The Dockerfile now upgrades the operating system at build time. Improved - Increased waiting time for concurrent upgrade requests from 60 to 300 seconds. - Show upgradeable packages in status message. - Include application environment in status message. Fixed - Include `/bin` in `PATH`. - Fix file-based locking of the upgrade progress.
Version 3.0.1 Fixed - Fixed a fatal typo in the bootstrapping script. - Exit gracefully during msmtp configuration to not make the bootstrapping fail. - Do not use `uptime` in the status reports as it would reflect the host's uptime rather than the container uptime.
Version 3.0.0 Breaking change - The app user and group were renamed from 'app' (passenger-docker's default) to 'dora' in order to further eliminate confusion. Now there is only one directory named 'app', and that is the said directory in a Rails application. **Important:** If you relay e-mails into your dora container as described in README.md, you will need to adjust the paths in your mail server configuration files, e.g. `master.cf` if you use Postfix. New - Implemented basic status reporting. Fixed - `rails-console.sh` now invokes `rails` as the `app` user. - Removed the erroneous `server_name` directive from the Nginx site configuration file.
Version 2.1.0 - Added a simple locking mechanism to the `upgrade-app.sh` script. When Git web hooks are invoked after a push to the repository, the upgrade script may be called twice in quick succession, once for the commits push and once for the tags push. - Use `passenger-ruby27` rather than `passenger-ruby26` as base image. - Copy the right `rails-console.sh` helper script into the image. - Fix setting the `PATH` variable to include the path to the `bin` directory. - The `rails` command in the `rails-console.sh` helper script was missing the actual command. - The nodejs installation script now respects the container's operating system's code name. - Various rather cosmetic improvements to script output.
Version 2.0.0 - The directory structure was changed because `/home/app/app` was too confusing in practice, especially considering that a Rails app has an `app` folder itself, which results in a path `/home/app/app/app`. That was a bit too much. The main user `app` is "inherited" from Phusion's [passenger-docker](https://github.com/phusion/passenger-docker) image and cannot be changed; but the directory that the repository is cloned into was renamed from `app` to `rails`. **Important:** If you relay e-mails into your dora container as described in README.md, you may need to adjust the paths in your mail server configuration files, e.g. `master.cf` if you use Postfix. - `passenger-docker` has been updated from 1.0.9 to 1.0.11 which implies an upgrade of the default Ruby to 2.7.1 and and upgrade of Passenger to 6.0.6. - Added `restart-app.sh` helper script. - Added `rails-console.sh` helper script. - Logrotate now uses the `copytruncate` option.
Version 1.6.0 - Add [MailHog](https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog) to `docker-compose`. - Added logrotate configuration for `/shared/log/*.log`.