A Helm chart for Kubernetes
Please note this chart is no longer updated with each app version. Please set the desired version in values.yaml (image.tag)
Name | Url | |
Balazs Petrikovics | [email protected] |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
image.repository | string | "linuxserver/unifi-network-application" |
image.tag | string | "" |
ingress.annotations | object | {} |
ingress.hostname | string | "unifi.local" |
ingress.redirect.annotations | object | {} |
ingress.redirect.enabled | bool | true |
mongodb.adminpassword | string | "" |
mongodb.adminuser | string | "" |
mongodb.cacheSizeGB | string | "0.25" |
mongodb.dbname | string | "unifi" |
mongodb.dbname_stat | string | "unifi_stat" |
mongodb.image | string | "mongo" |
mongodb.imageTag | string | "3.6" |
mongodb.password | string | "" |
mongodb.username | string | "" |
mongodb.volumeMounts | list | [] |
mongodb.volumes | list | [] |
nameOverride | string | "" |
replicaCount | int | 1 |
resources | object | {} |
service.annotations | object | {} |
service.loadBalancerIp | string | nil |
service.type | string | nil |
volumeMounts | list | [] |
volumes | list | [] |