DeltaPVOutput optimised for WebSolarLog
A python scripts to use RS485 Serial from Delta Inverter to It is will work with multiple delta inverters and is compatible with WebSolarLog (
DeltaInverter Module has two major functions:
Generation of Command Strings to be sent over RS485 to the inverter
Parsing of response strings received from the inverter, this is done in two forms:
Obtain the raw values using getValueFromResponse
Obtain a formatted response using getFormattedResponse which will contain the instruction/value/unit tuple
A list of instructions known is also in the module, obtained from
DeltaPVOutput - simply queries the inverter and posts the result to with no arguments.
You will need to insert your: • PvOutput systemID
• PvOutout API Key
• Serial port eg /dev/ttyUSB0
• Port speed eg 19200
• Inverter Number eg 1
in config.ini to work without arguments. If you have multiple inverters simply create a second system configuration. Eg
SystemID: 00000
APIKey: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Port: /dev/ttyUSB0
PortSpeed: 19200
InvNo: 1
SystemID: 00000
APIKey: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Port: /dev/ttyUSB0
PortSpeed: 19200
InvNo: 2
This example layout can be found in config.ini.example
Run via crontab to poll periodically
This allows WebSolarLog to run DeltaPvOutput
Follow instructions installing WebSolarLog (
change to WebSolarLog installation directory (eg /usr/share/nginx/www/websolarlog)
change to the devices directory (eg ./classes/devices)
4)clone DeltaPVOutput into DeltaSoliviaPy directory (eg git clone DeltaSoliviaPy)