A service locator that uses MobX to simplify the API and create reactive dependencies.
Observable Locator
implements a service locator pattern for performing
dependency injection, similar to get_it
or provider. However, like provider
this package can be used to create dependencies that are reactive, using
MobX as the underlying system for reactivity. The API also makes it easy
to create async
dependencies (on futures & streams) with minimal boilerplate.
You can create an observable locator like so:
var locator = ObservableLocator([
// Expose a single value for each type
single<String>(() => 'John Doe'),
single<int>(() => 25),
Locators are created by passing a list of Binder
objects, that effectively
define how values within the service locator are created and hooked up to
each other.
It is customary to use the provided binder utility functions to create
the binders, such as single
, bind
, bindValue
, etc.
To read from the locator, use the observe()
final name = locator.observe<String>();
final age = locator.observe<int>();
So far, things are similar to get_it
. The key difference is that the
values inside the locator can change over time, and that values can depend
on other changing (i.e. observable) values.
Under the hood, the locator uses MobX to implement this
reactivity. If you're unfamiliar with the library, I suggest you read the
MobX documentation. In a nutshell, MobX has
a concept of observable
values, and reactions
with callback functions.
When an observable value changes, any reactions that use the observable
value are rerun. These reactions can have various side effects, from
recomputing another value to rebuilding a Widget.
Calling observe()
on the locator counts as reading an observable value
in MobX. Furthermore, binders behave like MobX Computed
objects; they
can contain values which can update when other observable values change.
The observable locator effectively works like a map of types to
computed values.
See a more complex example:
var locator = ObservableLocator([
// A single value
single<Repository>(() => SqlRepository(version: 3)),
// Value that can depend on another value
bind<int>((locator) => locator.observe<Repository>().getVersion()),
// Values that can change over time
bindStream<User>((locator) => locator.observe<Repository>().getUserStream()),
print(locator.observe<int>()); // prints `3`
// autorun is a MobX function that automatically runs when any
// MobX observable value inside it is updated.
autorun(() {
// prints the user's name every time a new user is emitted
// from the repository
The values in the observable locator behave like Computed
objects. That means
they're lazily created. Additionally, if a value isn't being observed inside
a reaction, it may get disposed / recreated if you read it again.
Observable locator supports futures and stream values, similar to provider
Use the built-in binder utility functions:
var locator = ObservableLocator([
// Values from futures
() async => await Database.init(),
dispose: (database) => database.close(),
// Values from futures that can depend on other values
bindFuture<Article>((locator) => locator.observe<Database>().getArticle()),
// Values from streams
() => User.streamUsers(),
pendingValue: User.empty(),
catchError: User.error(),
equals: (a, b) => a.username == b.username,
// Values from streams that can depend on other values
bindStream<Comment>((locator) => locator.observe<User>().streamComments()),
Reading async values is exactly the same as reading sync values:
final article = locator.observe<Article>();
final user = locator.observe<User>();
For future and stream values, an optional pendingValue
can be provided. If
is null
(the default) but the value's type is a non-null,
then calling observe()
will throw if the underlying stream / future hasn't
emitted a value yet.
Additionally, if any errors are throws in the binder callback function for a
type T
, then that error is bubbled up and calling observe<T>()
will also
throw with the same error.
If throwing is undesired, use the tryObserve<T>()
function, which will return
instead of throwing.
The above behaviors are all intended, as they can be used to create async dependencies with minimal boilerplate. Note the following example:
final locator = ObservableLocator([
// A value dependency
single<int>(() => 3),
// Async dependencies
singleFuture<Directory>(() => getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()),
singleFuture<AppSecrets>(() => EnvironmentAppSecrets.init()),
// A value that depends on both sync and async dependencies
(locator) => SqlDatabase(
version: locator.observe<int>(),
directory: locator.observe<Directory>(),
filename: locator.observe<AppSecrets>().dbFilename,
When you call locator.observe<Database>()
, it will throw because its
dependencies aren't available yet. However, if you observe the Database
from inside a reaction, it will also throw at first, but the reaction will
rerun again when the Database
is actually ready.
In practice it could look like this:
// Prints 'Database is still loading' once, while the underlying
// dependencies are loading.
// Then finally prints the database once everything is done loading.
autorun(() {
try {
} catch (e) {
print('Database is still loading');
Under the hood, the locator will try to create an an SqlDatabase
the following steps:
- The first dependency, an
, will return3
successfully. - When
is called, the function throws because theDirectory
future has no value yet. This causes the originallocator.observe<Database>()
call to throw. - However, when the future for the
dependency finally completes, theDatabase
callback is rerun again. This time, theint
dependencies return with a value, butlocator.observe<AppSecrets>()
throws because the dependency has no value yet. - Once the
future completes, then theDatabase
function reruns and finally completes, since all dependencies are available. - The original reaction that called
is rerun again and finally completes with a value.
Finally, you can combine the above behavior with the following pattern:
enum AppState { loading, ready }
final locator = ObservableLocator([
... // other binders
bind<AppState>((locator) {
try {
// Observe all values that are needed for the app to run
return AppState.ready;
} catch (e) {
// Return loading state if any values are still loading
return AppState.loading;
If inside a Flutter app, use the Observer
widget to observe the AppState
and return a placeholder while your dependencies are loading.
return Observer(
(context) {
final appState = locator.observe<AppState>();
switch(appState) {
case AppState.ready: return HomeScreen();
case AppState.loading: return LoadingScreen();
This way, calling observe()
on your async dependencies will always be
safe. Any async values that aren't crucial to your app's startup can
still be retrieved using tryObserve()