The project transitions over a period of four weekends and implimentations for each week including week specific content will remain grouped together as git branches.
An android application that consumes the National Park Service USA REST API to display to the user details of the National Parks located in a certain state as specified by the user. Users will be able to :~
- Add profile details for a customized experience.
- Search National Parks in a desired state.
- View list of National Parks
- Check Park details.
- Search view widget - brings in new data without clearing the current data.
- Savve i,age to storage for future fetch needs.
- Upload and dowload/pull image resource to and from firebase.
To make use of this repository you should have the following installed on your machine.
- Android Studio - official IDE for android development.
- Java Development Kit.
Here is a run through of how to set up the application
- Step 1 : Open Android Studio
- Step 2 : Clone this repository using `git clone, or downloading a ZIP file of the code.
- Step 3 : The repository, if downloaded as a .zip file will need to be extracted o your preferred location and opened in Android Studio.
- Step 4 : You can navigate project files from this point as desired
- Build app on Android Studio and run on emulator or physical device.
- Android - Client framework
- Java - Programming language
- Gradle - Build tool.
- National Park Service - Resource for the REST service.
Efforts to improve on the project are welcome.
- Brian Juma | Contact me via email - [email protected]
The project is served under the MIT LICENSE copyright © 2022 jumaBrian. View license