tree-shaped state
: Any tree shaped-state like the DOM tree, app navigation state, or even rich text document!stateful functions
: Functions that maintain state over time. Imagine that you can take any variable in your function and manage its value over the function's invocation. Now, imagine that any function invocation really creates its own "instance" of the function which will track this state separately from other invocations of this function.
We want to provide expressive and powerful abstractions to build and update trees of dynamic data. We built it with UIs in mind but this library is generally applicable.
We encourage you to experiment with this abstraction for different types of outputs. Thanks to OutputTree
-agnostic Hooks (the mechanism which makes functions stateful), different types of outputs can use the same internal logic for updates or side effects.
One example of this is Brisk and Revery, where we have two vastly different approaches to building UIs. However, thanks to the shared layer, we envision that it'll be very simple to use the two at the same time.
make run-lambda-term
open _build/default/example/web-reconciler/index.html
Install esy
npm install -g esy
Create local opam switch (optional):
opam switch create ./ --deps-only
opam install . --with-dev-setup --with-test --with-doc
Take a look at our issues if you'd like to get an idea where to start.
- build:
- test:
make test
Join us on reason native ui
discord server here.
This project is provided under the MIT License.