Nuctools is a python package which was initially intended to assist with reduction of data taken at the RPI linear accelerator, and was significantly influenced by technical expertise and advice from Yaron Danon and other RPI research staff. It includes functions to dead-time correct 1, group counts data, convert to cps, and convert neutron time-of-flight (TOF) to neutron energy.
has the capability to read list-mode data produced at GELINA.
This capability was developed to make data-reduction of GELINA data easier and relied
on verification with the original Analysis of Geel List-mode (AGL) code.
The module
was originally designed to reduce data generated by the
Comtec MCS6A Multi-stop TDC TOF clock, but will be generalized to accept other
formats of raw TOF data.
is designed to reduce all the data
necessary to calculate transmission and propagate the associated covariance.
has been made to assist in reading and writing files that
are used in the i/o for the code SAMMY. The package nuctools
also contains
functions to assist in plotting with different styles commonly used at RPI.
provides functions to read and write ENDF/B-VI format
pointwise cross section data.
can now be installed with pip
! Simply type:
python -m pip install nuctools
If you'd rather install from the source found in GitHub
:Note: not recommended! Set version in
, open a terminal and type:
cd ~/
git clone
cd nuctools
python -m pip install .
Make sure you have numpydoc and sphinx installed, with pip
python -m pip install numpydoc
python -m pip install sphinx
At the sphinx website,
there is a brief walkthrough for first time sphinx users. This is a good place
find info on sphinx, however you shouldn't have to create the documentation, it
should be good to go when the nuctools is downloaded. The sphinx-quickstart will
write a "" for you, but you should have the properly designed
already. To use the theme I've used for the docs, you need to run
python -m pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
In the terminal navigate to the top nuctools folder and type:
sphinx-apidoc --force -o docs/ nuctools/
where "docs/" is the output directory and "nuctools/" is where the documented modules live. Then navigate inside the terminal to the "docs/" folder where you just generated .rst files and type:
make html
- To build the equations properly you must have LaTeX installed
- Some packages are required for html, and can be installed with
(e.g.python -m pip install sphinx
Make sure you have pytest, with pip
python -m pip install pytest
Then inside the top nuctools folder type:
Pytest should automatically go into the "tests/" folder and find python files that start with "test".
Danon, Yaron. "Design and Construction of the RPI Enhanced Thermal Neutron Target and Thermal Cross Section Measurements of Rare Earth Isotopes.", Doctoral Thesis, RPI, (1993). ↩