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@brry brry released this 22 Mar 10:01
· 553 commits to master since this release

Version 1.0.0 (2019-03-17)
First major version increase!
Tests are now systematic and comprehensive (albeit run locally and manually to reduce CRAN load and enable local file writing).
selectDWD got a very noticable performance boost and an interactive res/var/per selection.
Handling raster files is now supported in rdwd.
Examples and vignettes have been refined.
Detailed changes can be found on, here's the main overview:

  • dataDWD: dots now passed to readDWD, download errors checked and returned as informative warning
  • readDWD: reading functions added for binary, raster and multi_annual files, MESS_DATUM POSIXct column added in monthly data, list output now named
  • indexFTP: now removes duplicates from file list, sped up in default 1min/prec usage
  • rdwd now works fine with multi_annual and subdaily data
  • readVars: parameter abbreviations completed, output now visible
  • selectDWD: order of arguments changed, interactive res/var/per selection enabled, computing speed extremely increased
  • localtests.R heavily expanded, examples reduced and refined
  • indexes + vignettes updated, use cases expanded with nearbyStations example
  • New functions and objects: readMeta, dwdbase (central package base url)