- With the given credentials, log in to the admin panel and open the requests menu.
- Add your HTTP Request with a name, choose GET or POST, add your URL, add a start date and time and save it.
- You will see your inputs in the requests table. You can modify if only before the request has been made.
- The requests table will be updated once the request has been made with the following infos: STATUS, STATUS_CODE and RES_BODY (3 right columns).
- Additional infos of the requests can be found at Task Results tab, such as id, task name, complete datetime, state and worker.
List of all dependencies: requirements.txt
Make sure you have Redis installed. Follow this tutorial to get it done.
- Clone this repository
- Initiate and activate a virtualenv:
python3 install virtualenv
python -m virtualenv env
- Install all dependencies:
pip install requirements.txt
- Run Django Project / Migrations:
python migrate
python runserver
- In order to fully run the application you need:
- django server running
- celery worker
- redis server
- PostgreSQL database
- To start a celery worker:
celery -A scheduler worker --loglevel=info -P threads (for windows)
celery -A scheduler worker --loglevel=info (for UNIX Systems)
- To start redis (on a windows, WSL Terminal):
- In case of changes on the models:
python makemigrations