We work in the setting of defeasible theories expressed using propositional logic. This particular software can filter a defeasible theory for a given query by keeping only the essential rules.
This git repository contains the following files:
- A runnable JAR that computes the filtered defeasible theory (out/artifacts/DefeasibleFiltering.jar)
- The corresponding sourcecode (src/)
In order to specify a defeasible theory, we encode rules (one per line) in a text file with the following syntax:
Syntax | Description |
R1:->c | The strict rule 'R1' has literals in its body and concludes 'c' |
->e | There is a strict rule with no name, no literals in its body that concludes 'e' |
R4:m,k=>!R7 | The defeasible rule 'R4' has two literals 'm' and 'k' in its body and concludes 'not R7' |
R7:c,t=>b, 0.6 | The defeasible rule 'R7' has a strength of 0.6, two literals 'c' and 't' in its body and concludes 'b' |
Without loss of generality, we consider rules with atomic heads. The name and strength of a rule can be omitted. If not specified, the strength of a rule is 0.5 by default.
To run the software, just use the following command in a terminal:
java -jar DefeasibleFiltering.jar [DefeasibleTheory_file] [Query]
where [DefeasibleTheory_file] refers to a text file in the aforementioned format and [Query] is a literal or its negation. Please note that to write negations, it is recommended to surround it by single quotes, e.g. [Query]='!b'.
It is advised to install the latest [Java Runtime Environment] (see https://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp)