An intuitive scoring system that applies static multipliers to temporary health (x1) and permanent health (x1.5 default)
Designed to work in both coop and versus modes. Requires manual !setscore reset if campaign is ended unnaturally (vote, admin command, external plugin etc.)
Takes into account permanent health, temporary health, pill consumption and incaps suffered
+Permanent health * 1.5 (configurable multiplier)
+Temporary health * 1 (unit multiplier)
- held temporary health
- bonus pool for avoiding incaps: 'x' survivors * 2 max incaps * 30 temp hp/incap (240 in 4 player team)
- from which a 30 point penalty is deducted for every incap
- bonus pool for preserving pills from the starting set: 'x' survivors * 50 temp hp/pill = x * 50 (200 in 4 player team)
- from which a 50 point penalty is deducted for each consumption of a pill
Enter '!' forms into chat, 'sm_' forms into console
- sm_setscore/!setscore to set the score
- sm_scoring/!scoring for information on how the score system works
- sm_mapinfo/!mapinfo for map distance and multiplier information
- sm_(bonus/health/score)/!bonus/!health/!score for the current round's health bonus