Simple/Stupid Multi-Backend Logger for Go
Named Lumberjack for obvious punny reasons. (Get it.. Logger... Lumberjack... GET IT?!)
Because I like my logs formatted a certain way, and was tired of duplicating my efforts to setup the boilerplate to log in a particular way. So I made this project for my own purposes to have a quick and easy way to set up logging with levels, formatting, runtime information, and multiple backends.
It is currently in an early state with very basic console printing backend. It's not intended for use in production, but I probably will use it anyway because I'm a masochist.
- Syslog
- Who knows?
- Using Go's Templating Engine
- COLOR!! (Who doesn't like color?)
import ""
//Setup the logger instance
logger = lumberjack.NewLoggerWithDefaults()
//Add a level (defaults included: INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL)
logger.Info("Holy Shit!")
logger.Debugf("%s did a thing.", "thing")
With the defaults, the verbosity level of the print backend is set to print extra information (the file and line number) on ERROR or higher
The output looks like this:
2015/08/17 12:23:57 (INFO) @ main.main(): Holy Shit!
2015/08/17 12:23:57 (DEBUG) @ main.main() main.go:10: thing did a thing.
In the future, to add Backends, they simply need to implement the interface:
with the requiremed method:
then add to the logger:
/* Specifying the name allows you to have
multiple copies of the same backend with
different settings */
logger.AddBackend("somename", &SomeBackend{})
You can specify a basic HTTP backend to POST log entries formatted in JSON. Implemented in the backend, is a buffering mechanism to buffer an arbitrarily defined number of log entries for a given time period. The buffer will be sent via HTTP POST as a JSON array either when the buffer is filled, or the time interval elapses (whichever occurs first).
/* Add an HTTP JSON POST backend with a message
buffer of 10 per 5sec */
hb := lumberjack.NewHttpClientBackend(
"", 10, time.Second*5)
//Don't forget to add the backend!
logger.AddBackend("http", hb)
//Defer the closing of the HTTP Backend's goroutine.
defer close(hb.Stop)
So given the above example, once 10 log entries are sent to the backend, it will HTTP POST them to the specified URL. Or, if 5 seconds elapses, whatever is currently in the buffer will be sent without waiting to fill.
Send me a pull request, I'll probably merge it. But let's be honest, who's going to use this drivel? :P