#Picterest ** A MEAN stack project done for FreeCodeCamp backend project **
- Here is the url for preview: https://bunny-picterest.herokuapp.com/
User Story: As an unauthenticated user, I can login manually.
User Story: As an authenticated user, I can add images.
User Story: As an authenticated user, I can delete images that I've added.
User Story: As an authenticated user, I can see a Pinterest-style wall of all the images I've added to.
User Story: As an unauthenticated user, I can browse other users' walls of images.
User Story: As an authenticated user, if I upload an image that is broken, it will be replaced by a placeholder image.
Check sign up error code in Signup controller in controllers.js and make sure the algorithm is working properly.
Host the background image in a cdn rather than in server itself.