VuMakeSC: very basic VulkanSC renderer
This is a port of my regular Vulkan renderer VuMake to VulkanSC, so some parts won't make sense for a SC environment, like the dynamic resource system. This project is just a practice and it's not following any coding standards like MISRA, do not use it on your airplane 🤓
Used libs:
- VKSC-Headers
- VKSC-Emulation
- VKSC-Loader
- fastgltf : for gltf loading
- glm : for math
- stb_image : for texture load
- slang : shader language and as spirv emitter
Also I let loader to get its VKSC-ValidationLayers from regular NVIDIA driver, instead of compiling myself.
Used Vulkan Features:
- buffer device address
- scalar block layout
- descriptor indexing
- khr display (via emulation)
- vertex pulling
- sync 2