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623 lines (622 loc) · 36.9 KB


  • Unreleased
  • 1.7.2 (2021-06-02)
    • Bug Fix: Add ZonedDateTime::normalize(), which must be called by the client code after calling a ZonedDateTime mutation function.
    • Migrate PrintStr::getCstr() in AceCommon <=1.4.4 to the shorter PrintStr::cstr() in AceCommon >= 1.4.5.
    • Migrate to AceRoutine v1.3.1, which changes AceRoutine::coroutineMillis() into non-virtual.
    • Change SystemClock to instantiate from SystemClockTemplate, which allows SystemClock::clockMillis() to also become non-virtual. Saves 20-40 bytes of flash. No discernible changes in CPU time.
  • 1.7.1 (2021-04-02)
    • Simplify calculation of SystemClock::getSecondsSinceSyncAttempt() and SystemClock::getSecondsToSyncAttempt(), which substantially simplifies the implementation of SystemClockLoop and SystemClockCoroutine.
    • Update tests/auniter.ini to be consistent with my other libraries. Add entries for env:teensy32 (which had been supported for a while) and env:mkr1000 (which I just received).
  • 1.7 (2021-03-24, TZ DB version 2021a)
    • AceTime now has a GitHub Discussion.
      • Use that for general questions and discussions.
      • Reserve GitHub Issues for bugs and feature requests.
    • Add tools/compare_noda to compare Noda Time against AceTime.
      • Add --nzd_file flag to compare_noda to allow custom NodaZoneData files.
      • Run the Noda Time TzdbCompiler manually to generate custom tzdata$(TZ_VERSION).nzd for the specific TZDB version specified in the Makefile.
      • Add tests/validation/BasicNodaTest which matches AceTime completely from year 2000 until 2050.
      • Add tests/validation/ExtendedNodaTest which maches AceTime completely from year 1974 until 2050.
      • Identical results to BasicHinnantDateTest and ExtendedHinnantDateTest.
    • Add ace_time::clock::Stm32F1Clock and ace_time::hw::Stm32F1Rtc
      • Specialized classes for the STM32F1 chip, particularly the Blue Pill board, using the LSE_CLOCK (low speed external clock).
        • Blue Pill already includes the external 32.768 kHz crystal on pins C14 and C15.
      • Alternative to the ace_time::clock::StmRtcClock class, which uses the generic STM32RTC library, which does not fully work on the STM32F1.
        • STM32RTC forgets the date fields upon power reset, preserving only the time fields.
      • These classes write directly into the 32-bit RTC register on the F1, allowing AceTime to preserve both date fields and time fields.
    • Massive refactoring of and for clarity
      • Extract subsections of into separate docs, making shorter and hopefully more digestable.
      • Rename most of into docs/
      • Extract Clock classes into docs/
      • Extract Installation into docs/
      • Extract Validation and Testing into docs/
      • Extract Comparisons into docs/
      • Add documentation for StmRtcClock and Stm32F1Clock.
    • Remove virtual destructor from ace_time::clock::Clock class.
      • Saves 618 bytes of flash on 8-bit AVR processors, 328 bytes on SAMD21, but only 50-60 bytes on other 32-bit processors.
    • Finish a working implementation of
      • Includes support for fold.
      • Create BasicAcetzTest and ExtendedAcetzTest and verify all zones validate.
    • Time zone short names are printed with spaces instead of underscore.
      • Various printShortNameTo() and printShortTo() methods now print the short names with the underscore replaced with a space. Example, instead of "Los_Angeles", it is now "Los Angeles".
      • It seems to be more reasonable for most time zones.
      • The time zone full name continues to print the entire canonical timezone identifier, e.g. "America/Los_Angeles".
      • Applications that need finer control will have to provide their own rendering logic.
    • SystemClock
      • Fix SystemClock::forceSync() that crashes if the referenceClock is null.
        • Used mostly for debugging and testing, so I doubt anyone ran into this.
      • Add methods to retrieve the sync status of SystemClock.
        • getSecondsSinceSyncAttempt()
        • getSecondsToSyncAttempt()
        • `getClockSlew()
        • getSyncStatusCode()
        • See System Clock Status for details.
      • Potentially Breaking: Move various internal constants in SystemClockLoop and SystemClockCoroutine to private.
        • Examples kStatusReady, kStatusSent, kStatusOk`k
        • These were all related to the internal finite state machine which should not have been exposed publically.
        • The sync status of SystemClock is now exposed through documented public methods described above.
    • NtpClock
      • Add warning that calling analogRead() too often (e.g. using buttons on a resistor ladder using AceButton library) on ESP8266 causes the WiFi connection to drop after 5-10 seconds.
  • 1.6 (2021-02-17, TZ DB version 2021a)
    • Remove TimeZone::kTypeBasicManaged and TimeZone::kTypeExtendedManaged and merge them into just regular TimeZone::kTypeBasic and TimeZone::kTypeExtended.
      • Significantly simplifies the implementation of TimeZone.
      • TimeZone no longer holds a reference to a ZoneProcessorCache, it holds only a reference to ZoneProcessor.
      • The binding of TimeZone to its BasicZoneProcessor or ExtendedZoneProcessor now happens early, inside the BasicZoneManager or the ExtendedZoneManager, instead of delaying it to various methods inside the TimeZone through the ZoneProcessorCache.
      • This change should be invisible to library clients.
    • Large internal refactoring of ZoneProcessor, no external change
      • Fully templatize BasicZoneProcessor into BasicZoneProcessorTemplate, and ExtendedZoneProcessor to ExtendedZoneProcessorTemplate.
      • Remove sentinel static ZoneEra anchor record which prevented easy templatization.
      • Remove direct dependency to const ZoneInfo*, replacing it with generic uintptr_t zoneKey.
      • Insert BrokerFactory indirection layer to provide mapping from a generic uintptr_t zoneKey to the corresponding ZoneInfoBroker.
      • Templatized classes now depend only on their respective Zone*Broker classes.
      • This change should be invisible to library clients.
    • Fix stale ZoneProcessor binding to TimeZone.
      • A dereferenced nullptr could crash the program if TimeZone::toTimeZoneData() was called immediately after calling the TimeZone::forZoneInfo() factory method.
      • Some accessor methods in TimeZone (getZoneId(), printTo(), printShortTo()) could return incorrect values if the number of unique TimeZones used by an application is greater than the cache SIZE template parameter given to the ZoneManager.
        • The problem occurs because the ZoneProcessorCache will rebind a previously allocated ZoneProcessor to another TimeZone when it runs out of available processors in the cache.
    • Unlikely Breaking Change: Move ZoneRegistrar.h into internal/.
      • Rename BasicZoneRegistrar to basic::ZoneRegistrar.
      • Rename ExtendedZoneRegistrar to extended::ZoneRegistrar.
      • The class is an implementation detail which is used only by BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager. It was not exposed to the end user and should not cause any breaking changes.
    • Add support for Thin Links using optional linkRegistry[] parameter in the constructors of BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager.
      • The zonedb/zone_registry.h and zonedbx/zone_registry.h files now contain a kLinkRegistrySize and a LinkEntry kLinkRegistry[] array. Each record in the array contains a mapping of linkId to its zoneId.
      • The ZoneManager::createForZoneId() method will search the Thin Link registry if a zoneId is not found in the Zone registry.
      • See Zones and Links section in the
    • Breaking Change: Rename ZoneManager::registrySize() to zoneRegistrySize().
      • Add ZoneManager::linkRegistrySize() method.
      • A ZoneManager can now hold 2 different registries: the Zone (and Fat Link) registry, and the Thin Link registry. So we need to distinguish between the 2 registries.
      • See the Default Registries section in the for an explanation of the Zone and Link registries.
  • 1.5 (2021-01-26, TZDB 2021a)
    • Use binary search for both ZoneManager::createForZoneName() and ZoneManager::createForZoneId().
      • Previously, the zone_registry.cpp was sorted by zoneName, so only the createForZoneName() could use the binary search. The new solution sorts the zone_registry.cpp entries by zoneId instead of zoneName. The createForZoneId() can use the binary search algorith.
      • The createForZoneName() can also use the binary search because the zoneName is converted dynamically to its zoneId using the same djb2 hash algorithm used by the If there is a match, a final verification against the exact zoneName is performed to make sure that there was no hash collision.
      • Updated AutoBenchmark.ino to determine that a binary search on the 266 zones in zonedb/zone_registry.cpp is 9-10X faster (on average) than a linear search through the same list. (Linear search takes ~190 iterations; binary search takes ~9 iterations.)
    • Upgrade Link entries to be Fat Links".
      • Links become essentially identical to Zone entries, with references to the same underlying ZoneEra records.
      • Add kZoneAndLinkRegistry[] array in zone_registry.h that contains all Links as well as Zones.
      • Add "Zones and Links" section in
    • Implement zoneName compression using ace_common::KString.
      • Saves about 1500-2300 bytes for basic zonedb info files, and 2500-3400 bytes for extended zonedbx info files.
    • Potentially Breaking Change: Remove transitionBufSize from ZoneInfo struct, and migrate to kZoneBufSize{xxx} constants in the zone_infos.h files.
      • This was used only in validation tests under tests/validation and only for Extended{xxx} tests. Saves 1 byte per Zone on 8-bit processors, but none on 32-bit processors due to 4-byte alignment.
      • This should have no impact on client code since this field was used only for validation testing.
    • API Breaking Change: Replace BasicZone::name() and shortName() with printNameTo() and printShortNameTo(). Same with ExtendedZone::name() and shortName(), replaced with printNameTo() and printShortNameTo().
      • After implementing zoneName compression, it was no longer possible to return a simple pointer to the name and shortName without using static memory buffers.
      • I expect almost no one to be using the BasicZone and ExtendedZone classes, since they are mostly useful for internal algorithms.
      • Client code that needs the old functionality can use BasicZone::printNameTo(Print&), BasicZone::printShortNameTo(Print&) (similarly for ExtendedZone) to print to a ace_common::PrintStr<> object, then extract the c-string using PrintStr::getCstr().
    • Update UnixHostDuino 0.4 to EpoxyDuino 0.5.
    • Explicitly blacklist megaAVR boards, and SAMD21 boards using arduino:samd Core >= 1.8.10.
      • This allows a helpful message to be shown to the user, instead of the pages and pages of compiler errors.
    • Update TZ Database to 2021a.
    • Officially support STM32 and STM32duino after testing on STM32 Blue Pill.
  • 1.4.1 (2020-12-30, TZDB version 2020f for real)
    • Actually update src/ace_time/zonedb and src/ace_time/zonedbx zone info files to 2020f. Oops.
  • 1.4 (2020-12-30, TZ DB version 2020f)
    • Add entry for ManualZoneManager in examples/MemoryBenchmark. It seems to need between 0'ish to 250 bytes of flash.
    • Add support for creating and handling a TimePeriod error object.
      • Add kMaxPeriodSeconds and kInvalidPeriodSeconds constants.
      • Add forError() factory method.
      • Add error checking to toSeconds() and TimePeriod(seconds) constructor.
      • Printing an error object prints <Invalid TimePeriod>.
    • Add support for the STM32RTC clock on an STM32 through the ace_time::clock::StmRtcClock class.
      • Currently experimental and untested.
      • I do not have any STM32 boards right now, so I cannot test this code.
      • See #39 for details.
      • Thanks to Anatoli Arkhipenko (arkhipenko@).
    • Add convenience factory methods for creating manual TimeZone objects. Saves a lot of typing by avoiding the TimeOffset objects:
      • TimeZone::forHours()
      • TimeZone::forMinutes()
      • TimeZone::forHourMinute()
    • Fix incorrect kTypeXxx constants in ZoneManager.h. Fortunately, the numerical values overlapped perfectly, so didn't cause any bugs in actual code.
      • Add documentation about accessing the meta information about the zonedb and zonedbx databases:
        • zonedb::kTzDatabaseVersion
        • zonedb::kZoneContext.startYear
        • zonedb::kZoneContext.untilYear
        • zonedbx::kTzDatabaseVersion
        • zonedbx::kZoneContext.startYear
        • zonedbx::kZoneContext.untilYear
      • Add documentation that the ZonedDateTime must always be within startYear and untilYear. An error object will be returned outside of that range.
    • Update TZ Database from 2020d to version 2020f
    • Update examples/AutoBenchmark to allow auto-generation of ASCII tables, which allows auto-generation of the file. Update CPU benchmarks for v1.4 from v0.8, since it is much easier to update these numbers now. No significant performance change from v0.8.
    • Huge amounts of Python tools refactoring
      • Convert all remaining % string formatting to f-strings.
      • Convert all internal camelCase dictionary keys to snake_case for consistency.
      • Finish adding typing info to pass strict mypy checking.
      • Centralize most typing info into data_types/
      • Move various global constants into data_types/
      • Migrate most Arduino specific transformations into
      • Move offsetCode, deltaCode, atTimeCode, untilTimeCode, rulesDeltaCode calculations and various bit-packing rules (e.g. at_time_modifier, ntil_time_modifier) into instead of the
      • Include general and platform specific transformations in the JSON (zonedb.json or zonedbx.json) files.
      • Make use only the JSON output instead of making its own transformations.
      • Produce both LettersMap and LettersPerPolicy in the JSON file.
      • Unify CommentsCollection into CommentsMap using an Iterable in Dict[str, Iterable[str]].
      • Unify all transformer results into TransformerResult.
      • Check hash collisions for Link names, in addition to Zone names.
      • Rename test data generator executables to generate_data.* or some variations of it, to avoid confusion with unit tests which are often named
      • Add --input_dir flag to generate_data.cpp to allow the TZ database directory to be specified.
      • Add --ignore_buf_size_too_big to workaround a mismatch between the estimated Transition buffer size calculated by and the actual buffer size required by ExtendedZoneProcessor.cpp.
      • Add --skip_checkout flag to to allow local modifications of the TZ database files to be used for code generation.
      • Add --delta_granularity flag to to decouple it from --offset_granularity, so that the SAVE and RULES granularity can be controlled independently from the STDOFF granularity. The --until_at_granularity continues to control AT and UNTIL.
      • Make output of --debug to be more readable.
      • Remove --generate_zone_strings from which removes the ability to create zone_strings.{h,cpp}. The storage and optimization of strings are implementation details which seem to be better handled later in the pipeline.
      • Increase the range of zonedbpy database from the default [2000,2050) to [1974, 2050) to allow to handle a larger range of queries.
      • Merge --action and --language flags for; only --language flag needed right now.
      • Rename RulesMap to PoliciesMap, rules_map to policies_map, rule_name to policy_name etc. For consistency with ZonesMap, zones_map, and zone_name.
      • Add ZoneId hashes to JSON output files.
  • 1.3 (2020-11-30, TZ DB version 2020d)
    • Minor tweaks to silence clang++ warnings.
    • Create new ZoneManager interface (pure virtual) which is now the non-templatized parent to both BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager. Allows ZoneManager to be passed around poloymorphically as a pointer or reference.
    • Fix broken ZoneManager::indexForZoneName() and ZoneManager::indexForZoneId() caused by incorrect implementations in BasicZoneRegistrar and ExtendedZoneRegistrar.
    • Generate compile-time zoneIds for all zones in the form of zonedb::kZoneId{Zone_Name} and zonedbx::kZoneId{Zone_Name} (e.g. zonedb::kZoneIdAmerica_Los_Angeles). Can be given directly to ZoneManager::createForZoneId().
    • Add constructors to TimeZoneData to allow initializers to set union members. Useful for initializing arrays of TimeZoneData.
    • Add ManualZoneManager implementation of ZoneManager which implements only createForTimeZoneData(). Useful in applications which support only TimeZone::kTypeManual (fixed std and dst offsets) due to memory constaints.
    • Add documentation of TimeZoneData, TimeZone::toTimeZoneData(), and ZoneManager::createFromTimeZoneData() to Looks like I added the class in v0.5 but forgot to document it.
    • Implement LocalDateTime::compareTo() using only its components instead of internally converting to epochSeconds. Not all LocalDateTime can be represented by an epochSeconds, so this change makes the algorithm more robust. The semantics of the method should remain unchanged.
    • Update the doxygen docs of the compareTo() methods of LocalDateTime, LocalTime, LocalDate, OffsetDateTime and ZonedDateTime to clarify the semantics of those operations.
  • 1.2.1 (2020-11-12, TZ DB version 2020d)
    • No functional change in this release. Mostly documentation.
    • Update examples/MemoryBenchmark numbers from v0.8 to v1.2 with new auto-generator scripts.
    • Add Table of Contents to to help navigate the long document.
  • 1.2 (2020-10-31, TZ DB version 2020d)
    • Potentially Breaking: AceTime library now depends on the AceCommon library ( to avoid having to maintain multiple copies of various utility functions and classes. The API for most (if not all) public classes have not changed. A number of internal helper classes have moved to the AceCommon library. If you happen to directly use some of these, you need to use the AceCommon library instead.
      • Add dependency to AceCommon to all Makefiles.
      • Add a depends attribute to
    • Replace various utlity functions and class with those from AceCommon:
      • class TimingStats
      • incrementMod(), incrementModOffset(), printPad2To(), printPad3To()
      • strcmp_PP()
      • strchr_P(), strrchr_P() for ESP8266 and ESP32
      • PrintStr
    • Move common/CrcEeprom.h to AceUtils ( library.
  • 1.1.2 (2020-10-25, TZ DB version 2020d)
  • 1.1.1 (2020-10-18, TZ DB version 2020c)
    • Add documentation for using the PrintStr<N> class from the AceUtils library ( on the various printTo() methods. The string content can be retrieved using the PrintStr::getCstr() method which returns a normal const char* C-string. The PrintStr<N> class replaces an earlier, unreleased version that was called CstrPrint<N>.
    • Add 'Validation Tests' GitHub workflow for running tests/validation/*Test.
    • Create blacklist.json file for each compare_xxx tools, to disable validation checks for DST or abbreviations due to bugs in the 3rd party libraries.
    • Add ValidationScope enum to provide better control over whether the DST or abbrev fields are validated.
    • Print better diagnostic messages when tests/validation fails in BasicTransitionTest and ExtendedTransitionTest classes.
    • Upgrade target version numbers of 3rd party libraries used for tests/validation: pytz from 2019.3 to 2020.1, JDK 11.0.6 to 11.0.8.
    • Upgrade to TZDB 2020c (
      • "Fiji starts DST later than usual, on 2020-12-20."
    • Restrict GitHub Actions workflow to run just BasicHinnantDateTest and ExtendedHinnantDateTest, because the other Python and Java tests break every time a new TZDB version comes out.
    • Add file containing notes mostly for myself.
  • 1.1 (2020-04-25, TZ DB version 2020a)
    • Fix broken links in
    • Fix typos in and update its version number to 1.0 as it should have been back in October.
    • Massive refactor of ./tools processing pipeline and update validation/tests.
      • Add mypy strict type checking for Python scripts under tools.
      • Funnel validation*.{h,cpp} code generation through a single program using a validation_data.json intermediate file.
      • Funnel processing of TZDB output from into a single which can produce a tzdb.json output.
      • Separate processing into a distinct section.
    • Add validation tests against Python dateutil library (similar to pytz).
    • Update TZ Database version to 2020a that was released on 2020-04-23.
  • 1.0 (2019-10-02, TZ DB version 2019c)
    • Add initial support for GitHub actions to implement continuous integration using the unit tests that run under UnitHostDuino.
    • Allow NtpClock to use an existing WiFi connection. Add examples/HelloNtpClock/ to demonstrate this. (#24, thanks @denis-stepanov).
    • Fix compiler warning about duplicate FPSTR() macro for ESP32 Core version >=1.0.3.
    • Generate the zonedb files for the various validation/*Test integration tests on-demand, instead of using the zonedb files checked into src/ace_time/zonedb[x]. This allows us to match the version of the TZ Database used by AceTime to the version used by Java 11, pytz, and Hinnant Date, independently of the version that is generated into src/ace_time/zonedb[x].
    • Update src/ace_time/zonedb[x] files to TZ version 2019c.
    • Graduate to version 1.0.
  • 0.8.1 (2019-08-26, TZ DB version 2019b)
    • Update SystemClockCoroutine to be compatible with COROUTINE_DELAY_SECONDS() API changed in AceRoutine v0.3.
    • Fix typos and grammar errors in and
    • Remove YearMonth abstraction in BasicZoneProcessor, saving 12 bytes of flash in WorldClock.
  • 0.8 (2019-08-19, TZ DB version 2019b)
    • Handle Fri<=1 correctly in various python scripts. (#17)
    • Improve resolution of zonedb files and ZoneProcessor classes. (#18)
      • Both BasicZoneProcessor and ExtendedZoneProcessor support 1-minute resolutions for the AT and UNTIL fields.
      • BasicZoneProcessor (and zonedb files) support a 15-minute resolution for both STDOFF and DST offset fields.
      • ExtendedZoneProcessor (and zonedbx files) support one-minute resolution for STDOFF field and 15-minute resolution for DST offset (with a range of -01:00 to 02:45). (4 bits of the deltaCode field were given to the offsetCode field to give it the 1-minute resolution.)
      • Regenerate zonedbx using 1-minute resolution.
    • Fix broken BasicZoneProcessor on some timezones between 1975 and 2000. Did not handle transitions from fixed ZoneEra (RULES='-') to named ZoneEra (RULES=reference) or vise versa. Verified against pytz and Hinnant date from 1975 to 2050.
  • 0.7.2 (2019-08-14, TZ DB version 2019b)
    • Support timezones whose FORMAT contains a '/' with a fixed RULES column. Seems to make BasicZoneProcessor slightly smaller (20-80 bytes) and ExtendedZoneProcessor slightly bigger (50-100 bytes).
    • Split --granularity into --until_at_granularity and offset_granularity. Current zonedb files use values of 60 and 900 respectively.
  • 0.7.1 (2019-08-13, TZ DB version 2019b)
    • Replace TimeZone::printAbbrevTo() with more flexible and useful TimeZone::getAbbrev().
  • 0.7 (2019-08-13, TZ DB version 2019b)
    • Change TimeZoneData to store mStdOffset and mDstOffset in units of one minute (instead of 15-minute increments, "code") in the off chance that the library supports timezones with one-minute shifts in the future.
    • Implement TimeOffset using 2 bytes (int16_t) instead of one byte (int8_t) to give it a resolution of one minute instead of 15 minutes.
    • Generate zoneinfo files containing AT and UNTIL timestamps with one-minute resolution (instead of 15-minute resolution). ZoneInfo files (zonedb/ and zonedbx/) remain identical in size. Flash memory consumption usually increases by 130 to 500 bytes, but sometimes decreases by 50-100 bytes. Timezones whose DST transitions occur at 00:01 (America/Goose_Bay, America/Moncton, America/St_Johns, Asia/Gaza, Asia/Hebron) no longer truncate to 00:00.
    • Rename TimeOffset::forHour() to forHours() for consistency with forMinutes().
    • Make ExtendedZoneProcessor more memory efficient for 32-bit processors by packing internal fields to 4-byte boundaries.
    • Integrate C++11/14/17 Hinnant Date library by creating additional tests/validation tests.
    • Upgrade zonedb and zonedbx zoneinfo files to version 2019b, after validating against the Hinnant date library.
    • Upgrade to pytz version 2019.2 to pickup TZ Database 2019b.
  • 0.6.1 (2019-08-07, TZ DB version 2019a)
    • Create a second Jenkins continuous build pipeline file tests/JenskinfileUnitHost to use UnitHostDuino to run the unit tests natively on Linux. The entire set of unit tests builds and runs in 20 seconds under UnixHostduino, compared to about 8 minutes for the single Nano environemnt, and 32 minutes against 4 boards (Nano, ESP8266, ESP32, SAMD21).
    • Fix Doxygen PREPROCESSOR so that it picks up classes which are enabled only on some environments (e.g. ESP8266, ESP32).
    • Add circuit schematics to OneZoneClock and WorldClock examples.
    • Simplify logging::printf() used internally for debugging.
    • No functional change from 0.6.
  • 0.6 (2019-08-02, TZ DB version 2019a)
    • Update tests to use UnixHostDuino.
    • Fix broken restore functionality in CommandLineClock. Make it work on Unix using UnixHostDuino. Make it work on ESP8266 and ESP32 again.
    • Update flash memory consumption numbers in zonedb/zone_infos.cpp and zonedbx/zone_infos.cpp.
    • Lift ace_time::common::DateStrings to just ace_time::DateStrings because it was the only data/time class in the common:: namespace so it seemed inconsistent and out of place.
    • Breaking Change Large refactoring and simplification of the ace_time::clock classes. Merged TimeKeeper and TimeProvider into a single Clock class hierarcy. Merged SystemClockSyncLoop (separate class) into SystemClockLoop (subclass of SystemClock) and SystemClockSyncCoroutine (separate class) into SystemClockCoroutine (subclass of SystemClock with mixin of ace_routine::Coroutine). Merged keepAlive() into ::loop() and ::runCoroutine() methods, so we don't need to worry about it separately anymore. Made SystemClockLoop use the non-blocking methods of Clock, making it as responsive as SystemClockCoroutine.
    • Add UnixClock.h which provides access to the internal Unix clock when using UnixHostDuino.
  • 0.5.2 (2019-07-29, TZ DB Version 2019a)
    • Create HelloZoneManager and add it to the
    • Recommend using "Arduino MKR ZERO" board or "SparkFun SAMD21 Mini Breakout" board for the "SAMD21 M0 Mini" boards.
    • Pack basic::ZoneInfo, extended:ZoneInfo and related structs tighter on 32-bit processors, saving 2.5kB on the Basic zoneinfo files and 5.6kB on Extended zoneinfo files.
    • Pack basic::Transition and extended::Transition tighter on 32-bit processors, saving 20-32 bytes on BasicZoneProcessor and ExtendedZoneProcessor.
    • Test and support ATmega2560 AVR processor.
    • Replace all uses of Serial with SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR for compatibility with boards (e.g. SAMD boards) which use SerialUSB as the serial monitor.
  • 0.5.1 (2019-07-24, TZ DB version 2019a, beta)
    • Add documentation about the ZoneManager into
    • Move DateStrings string pointers into PROGMEM, saving 42 bytes of RAM.
    • Use SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR instead of Serial everywhere for portability across different Arduino boards.
    • Support SAMD21 boards except for EEPROM which SAMD21 does not support.
  • 0.5 (2019-07-21, TZ DB version 2019a, beta)
    • Remove over-engineered SystemClockHeartbeatLoop and SystemClockHeartbeatLoop and replace with just a call to SystemClock::keepAlive().
    • Remove overly complex ManualZoneProcessor and merge most of its functionality directly into the TimeZone using kTypeManual. We lose the manual abbreviations provided by ManualZoneProcessor but the simplification of using just the TimeZone object without an extra object seems worth it.
    • Add a stable zoneId to ZoneInfo that identifies a zone. It is formed using a hash of the fully qualified zone name. The generator script will detect hash collisions and create an alternate hash.
    • Rename old ZoneManager as the ZoneRegistrar, and repurpose ZoneManager as the TimeZone factory, which keeps an internal cache of ZoneProcessor. TimeZone objects can be dynamically bound to ZoneProcessor objects using createForZoneInfo(), createForZoneName(), `createForZoneId().
    • Add TimeZoneData data struct to allow serialization of a TimeZone object as a zoneId so that it can be reconstructed using ZoneManger::createForTimeZoneData().
    • Rename ZoneSpecifier to ZoneProcessor to describe its functionality better. ZoneInfo is now passed directly into the TimeZone object using the TimeZone::forZoneInfo() factory method, with the ZoneProcessor acting as a helper object.
  • 0.4 (2019-07-09, TZ DB version 2019a, beta)
    • Support the less-than-or-equal syntax {dayOfWeek}<={dayOfMonth} appearing in version 2019b of the TZ Database which contains Rule Zion, 2005 to 20012, IN Apr, ON Fri<=1.
    • Add BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager to retrieve ZoneInfo from TZ Database string identifier (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles").
    • Add configuration options (ACE_TIME_USE_BASIC_PROGMEM and ACE_TIME_USE_EXTENDED_PROGMEM) to place zoneinfo files into PROGMEM to save static RAM.
  • 0.3.1 (2019-06-30, TZ DB version 2019a, beta)
    • Add copyright notices on source files.
    • Fix typos and formatting of and
    • No functional change from 0.3.
  • 0.3 (2019-06-28, TZ DB version 2019a, beta)
    • Support Link entries from TZ Database files as C++ references to corresponding Zone entries.
    • Add backward and etctera files from TZ Database to the processing. ExtendedZoneProcessor now supports every Zone and Link entry in the TZ Database (except those in backzone and systemv).
    • Add better zone and link name normalization. Convert + into _PLUS_, all other non-alphanumeric (0-9a-zA-Z_) converted to underscore _.
    • Move validation unit tests into separate tests/validation directory. Use Makefiles to generate validation_data.* files dynamically at compile time.
  • 0.2 (2019-06-26, TZ DB version 2019a, alpha)
    • Reduce flash memory size of WorldClock by removing extra font.
    • Split from
    • Rename ace_time::provider to ace_time::clock and rename SystemTimeProvider to SystemClock.
    • Add HelloSystemClock example code.
    • Add isValidYear() into various forComponents() methods to check int8_t range of year component.
    • Rename DateStrings::weekDay*() methods to dayOfWeek*() for consistency.
    • Change ZonedDateTime::printTo() format to match Java Time format.
    • Remove friend declarations not related to unit tests.
    • Remove redundant definitions of kInvalidEpochSeconds, standardize on LocalDate::kInvalidEpochSeconds.
    • Make timeOffset a required parameter for constructors and factory methods OffsetDateTime instead of defaulting to TimeOffset().
    • Make timeZone a required parameter in constructors and factory methods of ZonedDateTime.
    • Fix BasicZoneProcessor::getOffsetDateTime() to handle gaps and overlaps in a reasonable way, and perform some amount of normalization.
  • 0.1 (2019-06-15, TZ DB version 2019a, alpha)
    • Initial release on GitHub to establish a reference point.
    • Upgraded to TZ Database version 2019a.
  • (2018-08-20)
    • Start of library in private repo.