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Date and time classes for Arduino supporting the IANA TZ Database time zones to convert epoch seconds to date and time components in different time zones.


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The AceTime library provides Date, Time, and TimeZone classes which can convert "epoch seconds" to human-readable local date and time fields. Those classes can also convert local date and time between different time zones, properly accounting for all DST transitions from the year 2000 until 2050. The ZoneInfo Database is extracted from the IANA TZ database. Different subsets of the ZoneInfo Database can be compiled into the application to reduce flash memory size.

The library also provides Clock classes to retrieve the time from more accurate sources, such as an NTP server, or a DS3231 RTC chip. A special version of the Clock class called the SystemClock provides a fast and accurate "epoch seconds" across all Arduino compatible systems. This "epoch seconds" can be given to the Date, Time and TimeZone classes to retrieve the current date and time in any desired timezone.

The primordial motivation for creating the AceTime library was to build a digital clock with an OLED or LED display, that would show the date and time of multiple timezones at the same time, while adjusting for any DST changes in the selected timezones automatically. Another major goal of the library is to keep the resource (flash and RAM) consumption as small as practical, to allow substantial portion of this library to run inside the 32kB of flash and 2kB of RAM limits of an Arduino Nano or a SparkFun Pro Micro dev board. To meet that goal, this library does not perform any dynamic allocation of memory. Everything it needs is allocated statically.

This library can be an alternative to the Arduino Time ( and Arduino Timezone ( libraries.

Version: 1.7.2 (2021-06-02, TZ DB version 2021a)


IMPORTANT CHANGE for v1.2: This library now depends on the the "AceCommon" library for some of its low-level routines. See the docs/ for installation instructions.

Table of Contents


The classes in this library can be grouped into roughly 2 parts:

  • Date, time and time zone classes
    • convert epoch seconds to human readable date and time fields,
    • support all time zones in the IANA TZ Database
    • calculate DST transitions on all timezones
    • convert local date and time from one timezone to another
  • Clock classes
    • provide access to more accurate external time sources
    • provide a fast access to an auto-updating "Epoch Seconds" on all Arduino platforms

The Date, Time and TimeZone classes can be used independently of the Clock classes. The Clock classes are only minimally coupled to the Date, Time, TimeZone classes, depending mostly on the acetime_t type (aliased to int32_t) which represents the "epoch seconds". The AceTime "Epoch" is defined to be 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.

When the library was first created, it seemed convenient to include the 2 parts described above in a single library. As this library evolved and accumulated more features, it might have been better for the 2 parts to be separated into independent Arduino libraries. However, I am resisting the temptation to make this change in order to preserve backwards compatibility for existing users of this library. The change that I have done is to substantially rewrite this and the accompanying documentation so that the 2 parts of this library are more decoupled from each other. Hopefully this will make it easier to understand how to use this library.

Date, Time, and TimeZone

The Date, Time, and TimeZone classes provide an abstraction layer to make it easier to use and manipulate date and time fields, in different time zones.

The documentation of these classes are given in docs/

  • date and time classes and types
    • ace_time::acetime_t
    • ace_time::DateStrings
    • ace_time::LocalTime
    • ace_time::LocalDate
    • ace_time::LocalDateTime
    • ace_time::TimeOffset
    • ace_time::OffsetDateTime
    • ace_time::TimePeriod
    • mutation helpers
      • ace_time::local_date_mutation::
      • ace_time::time_offset_mutation::
      • ace_time::time_period_mutation::
      • ace_time::zoned_date_time_mutation::
  • timezone classes
    • ace_time::ZoneProcessor
      • ace_time::BasicZoneProcessor
      • ace_time::ExtendedZoneProcessor
    • ace_time::TimeZone
    • ace_time::ZonedDateTime
    • ace_time::ZoneManager
      • ace_time::BasicZoneManager
      • ace_time::ExtendedZoneManager
      • ace_time::ManualZoneManager
  • ZoneInfo Database
    • programmatically generated from the IANA TZ Database files
    • two sets of timezone data are provided (Basic and Extended) because 2 slightly different algorithms for handling timezone data are provided
    • ZoneInfo (opaque reference to a timezone)
      • ace_time::basic::ZoneInfo (266 zones and 183 links, as of 2021a)
        • ace_time::zonedb::kZoneAfrica_Abidjan
        • ace_time::zonedb::kZoneAfrica_Accra
        • ...
        • ace_time::zonedb::kZonePacific_Wake
        • ace_time::zonedb::kZonePacific_Wallis
      • ace_time::extended::ZoneInfo (386 zones and 207 links, as of 2021a)
        • ace_time::zonedbx::kZoneAfrica_Abidjan
        • ace_time::zonedbx::kZoneAfrica_Accra
        • ...
        • ace_time::zonedbx::kZonePacific_Wake
        • ace_time::zonedbx::kZonePacific_Wallis
    • ZoneId
      • unique and stable uint32_t identifiers for each timezone
      • Basic
        • ace_time::zonedb::kZoneIdAfrica_Abidjan
        • ace_time::zonedb::kZoneIdAfrica_Accra
        • ...
        • ace_time::zonedb::kZoneIdPacific_Wake
        • ace_time::zonedb::kZoneIdPacific_Wallis
      • Extended
        • ace_time::zonedbx::kZoneIdAfrica_Abidjan
        • ace_time::zonedbx::kZoneIdAfrica_Accra
        • ...
        • ace_time::zonedbx::kZoneIdPacific_Wake
        • ace_time::zonedbx::kZoneIdPacific_Wallis


The main purpose of the Clock class hierarchy is to provide a 32-bit signed integer (acetime_t typedef'ed to int32_t) that represents the number of seconds since a fixed point in the past called the "Epoch".

The documentation of these classes are given in docs/

  • ace_time::clock::Clock
    • ace_time::clock::DS3231Clock
    • ace_time::clock::NtpClock
    • ace_time::clock::StmRtcClock
    • ace_time::clock::Stm32F1Clock
    • ace_time::clock::UnixClock
    • ace_time::clock::SystemClock
      • ace_time::clock::SystemClockCoroutine
      • ace_time::clock::SystemClockLoop

Different subclasses of Clock provide access to different hardware or network devices that provide a source of time.

The SystemClock subclass is a special class whose purpose is to provide an epochSeconds integer that increments by one every second. It then allows fast access to this auto-incrementing integer. By fast, I mean that it should allow sampling at least as fast as 10 times per second, but ideally much faster than 1000 times a second.

The SystemClockRoutine and SystemClockLoop classes provide a mechanism to synchronize the epochSeconds of the SystemClock with a more accurate referenceClock provided by one of the other Clock subclasses.

Memory Usage

This library does not perform dynamic allocation of memory so that it can be used in small microcontroller environments. In other words, it does not call the new operator nor the malloc() function, and it does not use the Arduino String class. Everything it needs is allocated statically at initialization time.

The ZoneInfo Database entries are stored in flash memory (using the PROGMEM compiler directive) if the microcontroller allows it (e.g. AVR, ESP8266) so that they do not consume static RAM. The examples/MemoryBenchmark program shows the flash memory consumption for the ZoneInfo data files are:

  • BasicZoneProcessor
    • 266 Zones
      • 13 kB (8-bit processor)
      • 17 kB (32-bit processor)
    • 266 Zones and 183 Links
      • 22 kB (8-bit processor)
      • 27 kB (32-bit processor)
  • ExtendedZoneProcessor
    • 386 Zones
      • 22 kB (8-bit processor)
      • 30 kB (32-bit processor)
    • 386 Zones and 207 Links
      • 30 kB (8-bit processor)
      • 37 kB (32-bit processor)

Normally a small application will use only a small number of timezones. The AceTime library with one timezone using the BasicZoneProcessor and the SystemClock consumes:

  • 9-10 kB of flash and 4-500 bytes of RAM on an 8-bit AVR processors,
  • 6-23 kB of flash and 900-1800 bytes of RAM on a 32-bit processors.

An example of more complex application is the WorldClock ( which has 3 OLED displays over SPI, 3 timezones using BasicZoneProcessor, a SystemClock synchronized to a DS3231 chip on I2C, and 2 buttons with debouncing and event dispatching provided by the AceButton ( library. This application consumes about 24 kB, well inside the 28 kB flash limit of a SparkFun Pro Micro controller.

CPU Usage

Conversion from date-time components (year, month, day, etc) to epochSeconds (ZonedDateTime::toEpochSeconds()) takes about:

  • ~90 microseconds on an 8-bit AVR,
  • ~17 microseconds on a SAMD21,
  • ~4 microseconds on an STM32 Blue Pill,
  • ~7 microseconds on an ESP8266,
  • ~1.4 microseconds on an ESP32,
  • ~0.4 microseconds on a Teensy 3.2.

Conversion from an epochSeconds to date-time components including timezone (ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds()) takes (assuming cache hits):

  • ~600 microseconds on an 8-bit AVR,
  • ~70 microseconds on an SAMD21,
  • ~10-11 microseconds on an STM32 Blue Pill,
  • ~27 microseconds on an ESP8266,
  • ~2.5 microseconds on an ESP32,
  • ~5-6 microseconds on a Teensy 3.2.

The creation of a TimeZone from its zoneName or its zoneId using a BasicZoneManager configured with a custom ZoneRegistry with 85 zones takes:

  • 36-400 microseconds, for an 8-bit AVR,
  • 4-14 microseconds, for a SAMD21
  • 3-18 microseconds for an STM32 Blue Pill,
  • 7-50 microseconds for an ESP8266,
  • 0.6-3 microseconds for an ESP32,
  • 3-10 microseconds for a Teensy 3.2.


The details of how the Date, Time and TimeZone classes are validated are given in docs/

The ZoneInfo Database and the algorithms in this library have been validated to match the UTC offsets calculated using 5 other date/time libraries written in different programming languages:

Quick Examples


Here is a simple program (see examples/HelloDateTime) which demonstrates how to create and manipulate date and times in different time zones:

#include <AceTime.h>

using namespace ace_time;

// ZoneProcessor instances should be created statically at initialization time.
static BasicZoneProcessor pacificProcessor;
static BasicZoneProcessor londonProcessor;

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // Wait until Serial is ready - Leonardo/Micro

  auto pacificTz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,
  auto londonTz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneEurope_London,

  // Create from components. 2019-03-10T03:00:00 is just after DST change in
  // Los Angeles (2am goes to 3am).
  auto startTime = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(
      2019, 3, 10, 3, 0, 0, pacificTz);

  Serial.print(F("Epoch Seconds: "));
  acetime_t epochSeconds = startTime.toEpochSeconds();

  Serial.print(F("Unix Seconds: "));
  acetime_t unixSeconds = startTime.toUnixSeconds();

  Serial.println(F("=== Los_Angeles"));
  auto pacificTime = ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(epochSeconds, pacificTz);
  Serial.print(F("Time: "));

  Serial.print(F("Day of Week: "));

  // Print info about UTC offset
  TimeOffset offset = pacificTime.timeOffset();
  Serial.print(F("Total UTC Offset: "));

  // Print info about the current time zone
  Serial.print(F("Zone: "));

  // Print the current time zone abbreviation, e.g. "PST" or "PDT"
  Serial.print(F("Abbreviation: "));

  // Create from epoch seconds. London is still on standard time.
  auto londonTime = ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(epochSeconds, londonTz);

  Serial.println(F("=== London"));
  Serial.print(F("Time: "));

  // Print info about the current time zone
  Serial.print(F("Zone: "));

  // Print the current time zone abbreviation, e.g. "PST" or "PDT"
  Serial.print(F("Abbreviation: "));

  Serial.println(F("=== Compare ZonedDateTime"));
  Serial.print(F("pacificTime.compareTo(londonTime): "));
  Serial.print(F("pacificTime == londonTime: "));
  Serial.println((pacificTime == londonTime) ? "true" : "false");

void loop() {

Running this should produce the following on the Serial port:

Epoch Seconds: 605527200
Unix Seconds: 1552212000
=== Los Angeles
Time: 2019-03-10T03:00:00-07:00[America/Los_Angeles]
Day of Week: Sunday
Total UTC Offset: -07:00
Zone: America/Los_Angeles
Abbreviation: PDT
=== London
Time: 2019-03-10T10:00:00+00:00[Europe/London]
Zone: Europe/London
Abbreviation: GMT
=== Compare ZonedDateTime
pacificTime.compareTo(londonTime): 0
pacificTime == londonTime: false


The examples/HelloZoneManager example shows how to load the entire ZoneInfo Database into a BasicZoneManager, then create 3 time zones using 3 different ways: createForZoneInfo(), createForZoneName(), and createForZoneId().

#include <AceTime.h>

using namespace ace_time;

// Create a BasicZoneManager with the entire ZoneInfo Database.
static const int CACHE_SIZE = 3;
static BasicZoneManager<CACHE_SIZE> manager(
  zonedb::kZoneRegistrySize, zonedb::kZoneRegistry);

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // Wait Serial is ready - Leonardo/Micro

  // Create Los Angeles by ZoneInfo
  auto pacificTz = manager.createForZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles);
  auto pacificTime = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(
      2019, 3, 10, 3, 0, 0, pacificTz);

  // Create London by ZoneName
  auto londonTz = manager.createForZoneName("Europe/London");
  auto londonTime = pacificTime.convertToTimeZone(londonTz);

  // Create Sydney by ZoneId
  auto sydneyTz = manager.createForZoneId(zonedb::kZoneIdAustralia_Sydney);
  auto sydneyTime = pacificTime.convertToTimeZone(sydneyTz);

void loop() {

This consumes about 25kB of flash, which means that it can run on an Arduino Nano or Micro . It produces the following output:



This is the example code for using the SystemClock taken from examples/HelloSystemClock.

#include <AceTime.h>

using namespace ace_time;
using namespace ace_time::clock;

// ZoneProcessor instances should be created statically at initialization time.
static BasicZoneProcessor pacificProcessor;

static SystemClockLoop systemClock(nullptr /*reference*/, nullptr /*backup*/);

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // Wait until Serial is ready - Leonardo/Micro


  // Creating timezones is cheap, so we can create them on the fly as needed.
  auto pacificTz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,

  // Set the SystemClock using these components.
  auto pacificTime = ZonedDateTime::forComponents(
      2019, 6, 17, 19, 50, 0, pacificTz);

void printCurrentTime() {
  acetime_t now = systemClock.getNow();

  // Create a time
  auto pacificTz = TimeZone::forZoneInfo(&zonedb::kZoneAmerica_Los_Angeles,
  auto pacificTime = ZonedDateTime::forEpochSeconds(now, pacificTz);

// Do NOT use delay() here.
void loop() {
  static acetime_t prevNow = systemClock.getNow();
  acetime_t now = systemClock.getNow();
  if (now - prevNow >= 2) {
    prevNow = now;

This will start by setting the SystemClock to 2019-06-17T19:50:00-07:00, then printing the system time every 2 seconds:



Here is a photo of the WorldClock ( that supports 3 OLED displays with 3 timezones, and automatically adjusts the DST transitions for all 3 zones:



See docs/

User Guides

    • this file
  • Date, Time and TimeZones (docs/
    • Date and Time classes
    • TimeZone classes
    • ZoneInfo Database
    • Mutations
    • Error Handling
    • Motivation and Design Considerations
    • Bugs and Limitations
  • Clocks and SystemClocks (docs/
    • Clock
    • NTP Clock, DS3231 Clock, STM32 RTC Clock, STM32F1 Clock
    • SystemClock, SystemClockLoop, SystemClockCoroutine
  • Doxygen docs hosted on GitHub Pages


See docs/ for CPU and memory usage benchmarks.

Comparisons to Other Libraries

See docs/ for comparisons to other date, time and timezone libraries.

System Requirements


The library is tested on the following boards:

  • Arduino Nano clone (16 MHz ATmega328P)
  • SparkFun Pro Micro clone (16 MHz ATmega32U4)
  • SAMD21 M0 Mini (48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+)
  • STM32 Blue Pill (STM32F103C8, 72 MHz ARM Cortex-M3)
  • NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E module, 80 MHz ESP8266)
  • WeMos D1 Mini (ESP-12E module, 80 MHz ESP8266)
  • ESP32 dev board (ESP-WROOM-32 module, 240 MHz dual core Tensilica LX6)
  • Teensy 3.2 (96 MHz ARM Cortex-M4)

I will occasionally test on the following hardware as a sanity check:

  • Mini Mega 2560 (Arduino Mega 2560 compatible, 16 MHz ATmega2560)
  • Teensy LC (48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+)

The following boards are not supported:

  • megaAVR (e.g. Nano Every)
  • SAMD21 boards w/ arduino:samd version >= 1.8.10 (e.g. MKRZero)

Tool Chain

This library was developed and tested using:

This library is not compatible with:

It should work with PlatformIO but I have not tested it.

The library works on Linux or MacOS (using both g++ and clang++ compilers) using the EpoxyDuino ( emulation layer.

Operating System

I use Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 for the vast majority of my development. I expect that the library will work fine under MacOS and Windows, but I have not tested them.


MIT License

Feedback and Support

If you find this library useful, consider starring this project on GitHub. The stars will let me prioritize the more popular libraries over the less popular ones.

If you have any questions, comments and other support questions about how to use this library, please use the GitHub Discussions for this project. If you have bug reports or feature requests, please file a ticket in GitHub Issues. I'd love to hear about how this software and its documentation can be improved. I can't promise that I will incorporate everything, but I will give your ideas serious consideration.

Please refrain from emailing me directly unless the content is sensitive. The problem with email is that I cannot reference the email conversation when other people ask similar questions later.


  • Created by Brian T. Park ([email protected]).
  • Support an existing WiFi connection in NtpClock by denis-stepanov@ #24.
  • Support for STM32RTC through the ace_time::clock::StmRtcClock class by Anatoli Arkhipenko (arkhipenko@) #39.


Date and time classes for Arduino supporting the IANA TZ Database time zones to convert epoch seconds to date and time components in different time zones.







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