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NCIP Server for Koha


This NCIP server can support token based authentication. To enable token based authentication:

  • Create a Koha system preference named NcipRequireToken, set it to 1 to enforce tokens
  • Create a Koha system preference named NcipToken with a token you've generated
  • Pass the token in the API endpoint you've set up for your NCIP server, e.g. if it was my.ils.lib/ncip, it will now be my.ils.ib/ncip/TokenGoesHere.


For package sites, become the instance user

sudo koha-shell <instance>

Clone the git repository for the NCIP server

git clone

Become your own user again


Install dependancies

Install cpanminus:

curl -L | sudo perl - App::cpanminus

Install the ncip-server dependancies using cpanm

sudo cpanm --installdeps .

For package sites, become the instance user

sudo koha-shell <instance>

Set up config.yml

Copy the config.yml.example file to config.yml

cd ncip-server
cp config.yml.example config.yml

Edit the views: "/path/to/ncip-server/templates/" line to point to the actual path you have the ncip-server template directory at. For whatever reason, this must be an absolute path and must be configured on a per-installation basis.

Become your own user again


Set up the Init script

Copy the init-script-template file to your init directory. For Debian, you would copy it to init.d:

sudo cp init-script-template /etc/init.d/ncip-server

Edit the file you just created:

  • Update the line export KOHA_CONF="/path/to/koha-conf.xml" to point to your production koha-conf.xml file.
  • Update the line HOME_DIR="/home/koha" to point to the Koha home directory. For Koha package installtions, that would be /var/lib/koha/ . For git installs it will be the home directory of the user that contains the Koha git clone.
  • Update various other path definitions as necessary
  • You may also change the port to a different port if 3001 is already being used on your server.

Configure the init script to run at boot

sudo update-rc.d ncip-server defaults

Expose the ncip-server to the outside world

Modify you Koha Apache configuration, in the Intranet section, add the following:

ProxyPass /ncip retry=0
ProxyPassReverse /ncip retry=0

Enable ModProxy for apache

LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
ProxyPass /ncip retry=0
ProxyPassReverse /ncip retry=0

Start the server!

sudo /etc/init.d/ncip-server start

Installation via Docker

Run using image from Docker Hub

docker run -d --net="host" --restart=always --mount type=bind,source=/usr/share/koha/lib/,target=/kohalib --mount type=bind,source=/etc/koha/sites/<instance>/koha-conf.xml,target=/koha-conf.xml --mount type=bind,source=/var/lib/koha/<instance>/ncip-config.yml,target=/app/config.yml --name koha-ncip bywater/koha-ncip-server:latest


Clone the NCIP server git repo

git clone

Build the docker image

docker build -t ncip -f docker/Dockerfile .

Make a copy of the config file and edit it

cp docker/files/config.yml.template /var/lib/koha/<instance>/ncip-config.yml

Start the container

docker run -d --net="host" --restart=always --mount type=bind,source=/usr/share/koha/lib/,target=/kohalib --mount type=bind,source=/etc/koha/sites/<instance>/koha-conf.xml,target=/koha-conf.xml --mount type=bind,source=/var/lib/koha/<instance>/ncip-config.yml,target=/app/config.yml --name koha-ncip ncip
  • Bind /usr/share/koha/lib/,target=/kohalib or kohaclone ( for git installs ) to kohalib and the koha-conf.xml to /koha-conf.xml
  • Bind the config.yml.template copy to /app/config.yml


Restarting the ncip server

If you've followed the directions above, it should be as simple as

docker restart koha-ncip


Error: Server response is Dancer::Response instead of NCIP XML

The most likely cause of this problem is an incorrect template path in the NCIP server config file. The template path must be an absolute ( not relative ) path pointing to the NCIP server templates directory.


NCIP Server for Koha ILS







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