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Why Kubernetes?

Kubernetes (EKS) has become the standard approach to run production workloads among multiple companies.

In a given scenario, it provides simplicity of:

  • Deploying desired docker workloads nginx:alpine
  • Built-in operators into EKS provide an easy way of creating and managing AWS resources like: ALB, ASG, SG
  • Built-in Karpenter allows us to choose multiple flavours of instances for our workloads without manually creating a single node_group.

Also, the company already utilizes Kubernetes, which should be a known solution for teams.

Infrastructure Diagram


Public Subnets

To make the infrastructure more secure, public subnets host only ALB, IGW, and NAT resources.

You can change public subnets settings by configuring this variable: public_subnets = ["", ""]

Private Subnets

Private subnets are used to host EKS nodes and our workloads. This is the recommended way to host workloads for better security.

You can change private subnets settings by configuring this variable: private_subnets = ["", ""]

Security Groups

Because we are using the EKS automode, operator creates the ASG automatically and allows only traffic inside the K8S cluster and HTTP traffic from the ALB.

Kubernetes manifests

For the simplicity of this demo, we are using plain Kubernetes manifests to deploy k8s resources. HELM charts would be a better way of deploying the workloads to the cluster.

You can find and adjust manifests in the manifests folder:


alb-ingress-class-param.yaml alb-ingress-class.yaml and alb-ingress.yaml configure ALB settings.

deployment.yaml - is used to declare our deployment. You can change image or replica count in this file.

nodepool.yaml - is used to configure the nodepool that we will spin up for our workloads. We use SPOT instances in our demo.

service.yaml - k8s resource that configures workload service.


  1. Convert plain manifest to HELM charts for better flexibility of the workload deployments
  2. Add ability to configure other team members to access the cluster.
  3. Remove some static configurations from modules to be more flexible in resource namings
# Ingress Info
data "kubernetes_ingress_v1" "this" {
  metadata {
    name      = "hive-ingress"
    namespace = "default"

  depends_on = [
  1. Find and resolve racing conditions. Sometimes you need to re-apply the config.
  2. Enable TLS support for the HTTP endpoints.

Quick Start

  1. Create terraform.tfvars file with the desired values:
# Resource name
vpc_name = "hive-vpc"
eks_name = "hive-eks"

# Networking
public_subnets = ["", ""]
private_subnets = ["", ""]

availability_zones = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"]
enable_nat_gateway = true

# Tags
tags = {
  "ORG" = "Hive"
  "env" = "development"

Refer to the table below for available parameters.

  1. Make sure your AWS user is authenticated and has permissions to create resources.
  2. Init Terraform in the root of the git repository: terraform init
  3. Apply configuration in the root of the module: terraform apply

Spinning up the entire infrastructure and deploying workloads could take over 10 minutes. When it's finished, you will get the public ALB endpoint that will deliver your requests to your workloads inside the Kubernetes cluster.


Because the operator kicks in the deployment, it takes some time to provision the ALB. Go to the AWS console and wait till the ALB is fully provisioned before trying to access the ALB endpoint

ingress_address = ""


To get the kubeconfig: aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <YOUUR_EKS_NAME> --region us-east-1

List pod:

k get pods

NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hive-67b8ff5c6f-2rl8m   1/1     Running   0          92s
hive-67b8ff5c6f-8cfg6   1/1     Running   0          92s
hive-67b8ff5c6f-wzqkx   1/1     Running   0          92s

List ingress:

k get ingress

NAME           CLASS   HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                  PORTS   AGE
hive-ingress   alb     *   80      3m31s


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
aws ~> 5.0


No providers.


Name Source Version
eks ./modules/aws/eks n/a
vpc ./modules/aws/vpc n/a


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
availability_zones List of availability zones list(string)
eks_name Name of the VPC to create string "hive-eks" no
enable_nat_gateway Should be true if you want to provision NAT Gateway bool true no
private_subnets List of private subnets list(string)
public_subnets List of public subnets list(string)
tags Map of tags block map(string) {} no
vpc_cidr CIDR of the VPC to create string "" no
vpc_name Name of the VPC to create string "hive-vpc" no


Name Description
ingress_address Publicly available ALB endpoint


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