Implementation of a Raytracter in Typescript using webgl2.
Following Ray Tracing in One Weekend book.
Implements Lambertian Diffuse, Metals, and Dielectrics.
Camera for zooming around the scene.
UI overlay using imgui-js
Use Chrome or Firefox. GPU recommended.
Click in window and drag to look around. WASD to move camera.
3200 x 2400 image with 850 render passes.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
installations of node and npm
Download repository locally
install node modules
npm install
Run development environment
npm run dev
Make sure there is a gh-pages branch in the repository. If not then create an empty one. Commit and push anything in master branch because it will be deleted locally
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git rm --cached -r .
Delete all of the files then commit an empty branch
git commit -m "First commit" --allow-empty
git push -u origin gh-pages
Get the master branch back
git checkout master
git pull origin master
Set up a git worktree to deploy to gh-pages
rm -rf dist
echo "dist/" >> .gitignore
git worktree add dist gh-pages
Run the gh-publish command
npm run gh-publish
Which just runs these commands
npm run build
cd dist
git add --all
git commit -m "Deploy to gh-pages"
git push origin gh-pages
cd ..
- gl-matrix - Vector math
- html-webpack-plugin - HTML templater
- copy-webpack - Copy files from assets to docs/assets
- imagemin-webpack-plugin - Compress images
- raw-loader - require files as strings
- ts-loader - require ts files
- typescript - Typescript Language
- uglifyjs-webpack-plugin - minimizer
- webpack - Build tool
- webpack-dev-server - Hotload development environment
- imgui-js - UI
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details