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cadaei committed May 3, 2018
1 parent 4fd7ce9 commit 1059ede
Showing 1 changed file with 291 additions and 0 deletions.
291 changes: 291 additions & 0 deletions translations.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
aboutToolStripMenuItem about…
added Added
AlreadyCreatureWithTopStats "There is already a creature in your library that has all the available top-stats ({0} {1}).
The currently selected conservative-breeding-mode might show some suggestions that may seem non-optimal.
Change the breeding-mode to "High Stats" for better suggestions."
ApproxOneNarcoberryEvery That is approx. one Narcoberry every
Available Available
Baby Baby
BestPossible Best Possible
Body Body
BonusLevel Bonus-Level
Bow Bow
BPorMutations or mutations
BPsomeCreaturesAreFilteredOutMutations Some creatures are filtered out due to their mutations
BPsomeCreaturesAreFilteredOutTags Some creatures are filtered out due to their tags
BPTopStatsShownMightNotTotalTopStats The top-stats shown here might not be the top-stats of your entire library.
bred Bred
BreedingNotPossible Breeding not possible
BreedingPlan Breeding Plan
BreedingPlanHelpToolStripMenuItem Breeding Plan…
breedingValue Breeding Value
btAdd2Library Add new to Library
btAddWakeUpTimer add Wake-up-Timer
btBPApplyNewWeights Apply new Weightings
btBPJustMated These Parents just mated
btBPJustMatedTT Click to create an incubation-entry in the Raising-tab
btClearColorsTT Click to clear all color-regions.
btExtractLevels Extract Level Distribution
btImportLastExported Last Export
btImportLastExportedTT Import the creature-file that was exported last (ingame with the "Export Data"-function
btnAddStarvingTimer add Starving-Timer
btnGenerateUniqueNameTT "Generate automatic name
Right-click to edit the pattern."
btReadValuesFromArk Read Values from ARK Window
btReadValuesFromArkTT "Perfom an OCR on the opened inventory of a creature ingame.
To use this feature you have to enable OCR in the settings and load a ocr-config-file which is made for your screen-resolution in the OCR-tab."
btSaveChanges Save Changes
C0 C0
C1 C1
C2 C2
C3 C3
C4 C4
C5 C5
Cancel Cancel
cbBPTagExcludeDefaultTT "Check if all creatures should be excluded and only be included when have the include-mark on their tag.
If this checkbox is unchecked, all creatures will be included by default, and only excluded if one of their tags has the exclude-mark and none has the include-mark."
cbExactlyImprinting Exactly, don't adjust
cbExactlyImprintingTT Check this if you have exactly 100% imprinting.
cbGuessSpecies Guess Species
cbGuessSpeciesTT "If checked, the tool will try to guess the species after reading the values from ARK with OCR.
If the tool recognizes the species-name it will take that, otherwise it will check if the stat-values match a certain species.

Uncheck this if the tool repeatedly selects the wrong species after OCR (you have to choose it manually then)."
cbQuickWildCheck Quick Wild-Creature Check
cbQuickWildCheckTT "Check this if you just want a quick check of the levels of a wild (untamed) creature.
The levels are then shown without the extraction-process (and without validation)."
cbToggleOverlay Overlay
ChargeCapacity Ch Capacity
ChargeCapacity_Abb CC
ChargeEmissionRange Ch Emission Range
ChargeEmissionRange_Abb CRa
ChargeRegeneration Ch Regen
ChargeRegeneration_Abb CRe
Chart Chart
checkForUpdatedStatsToolStripMenuItem Check for Updates
Club Club
cnBPIncludeCooldowneds Include Creatures with Cooldown
Colors Colors
cooldown Cooldown
cooldownGrowing Cooldown/Growing
copyCreatureToolStripMenuItem Copy Creature
copyToMultiplierTesterToolStripButton Copy to MultiplierTester
copyToMultiplierTesterToolStripButtonTT All the levels, TE and IB from the Tester, and the stat-values from the Extractor will be copied to the Stat-Multiplier-Tester
Creature Creature
Crossbow Crossbow
currentStatValue Current stat-value
currentValue Current Value
Damage Damage
Damage_Abb Dm
de German
deadCreaturesToolStripMenuItem Dead Creatures
Default Default
deleteSelectedToolStripMenuItem Remove…
Details Details
domesticatedAt Domesticated at
domLevelExplanation Levels assigned manually to this stat after the creature was domesticated
domLvl Dom-Lvl
editToolStripMenuItem Edit
Egg Egg
ElectricProd Electric Prod
ElectricProdHits Electric Prod Hits
en English
Event_ Event
exportValuesToClipboardToolStripMenuItem Export to Clipboard
extractionIssuesToolStripMenuItem Extraction Issues…
extractor Extractor
Father Father
Female Female
femalesToolStripMenuItem Females
fileToolStripMenuItem File
findDuplicatesToolStripMenuItem Find Duplicates…
FinishedAt Finished at
Food Food
Food_Abb Fo
FoodHasToDropUnits Food has to drop by {0} units.
gbBPBreedingMode Breeding-Mode
gbBPOffspring Offspring
gbCreatureInfo Creature-info
gbKOInfo Knockout Info
gbWeaponDamage Weapon Damage [%]
Generation_Abb Gen
gpPreviewEdit Preview / Edit
gpStarvingTime Starving-Time
gpTorporTime Torpor-Time
grownIn Grown in
Head Head
Health Health
Health_Abb HP
helpToolStripMenuItem ?
ImmobilizedBy Immobilized by
importCreatedJsonfileToolStripMenuItem Import created json-file…
importExportedCreaturesToolStripMenuItem Import exported Creatures
importingFromARKToolsToolStripMenuItem Importing from ARK-Tools
importValuesFromClipboardToolStripMenuItem Import Values from Clipboard
imprintingBonus Imprinting Bonus
issueMaxWildLevelTooLow "The extraction is potentially possible, but it seems the max wild level is set too low for a valid extraction. Check if you set the correct value in the settings.
The current value is {0} and this creature seems to have a higher wild level than this.

For other reasons of the failing of the extraction, see the list on the right after closing this messagebox."
lbBPBreedingScore Breeding Score
lbBPBreedingScoreTT "The Breeding-Score of a paring is not comparable to the Breeding-Score of another breeding-mode.
The numbers in the different modes are generated in incompatible ways."
lbBPBreedingTimes Breeding Times
lbCurrentTorpor Current Torpor
lbImprintedCountTT "Number of cuddles given to get to this Imprinting-Bonus.
Click left to set to the closest valid integer.
Click right to set the imprinting to the value so for the torpor the levels in the tester and the value in the extractor match."
lbImprintingCuddleCountExtractorTT Number of cuddles given to get to this Imprinting-Bonus.
lbListeningTT "red: listening, grey: deactivated, green: recognized, orange: didn't recognized
Say "[species] [level]", e.g. "Rex level 30" or "Brontosaurus 50"
to get taming-infos in the overlay"
lbMax max
lbNameTT Click to copy the name to the clipboard, e.g. for pasting it in the game.
lbNotYetTamed *Creature is not yet tamed and may get better values then.
lbOwnerTT "Click to toggle if the OCR can change the owner-field.
Enable it if the OCR doesn't recognize the owner-name correctly and you want to add multiple creatures with the same owner."
lbPedigreeEmpty Select a creature in the Library to see its pedigree here.
lbShouldBe Should be
lbSum Sum
lbSumDomSBTT This is the number that the sum of all manual levelups should be equal to.
lbSumDomTT "This is the sum of all manual levelups of this creature, it should exactly match the number below.
If it's not matching, click on a stat that is yellow and choose another possible level distribution."
lbSumWildTT "This is an indicator if the sum of the wild levels is valid.
If a number with a plus sign is shown, the sum is too high and you need to choose another possibility from the lists of yellow stats."
lbTamingTime taming time
lbTestingInfo Preview or edit levels of a creature.
lbTimeUntilWakingUp Time until wake-up: {0}
lbTribeTT "Click to toggle if the OCR can change the tribe-field.
Enable it if the OCR doesn't recognize the tribe-name correctly and you want to add multiple creatures with the same tribe."
lbUsed used
Level Level
Level_Abb Lvl
LevelWild_Abb LW
library Library
loadAdditionalValuesToolStripMenuItem Load additional values…
loadAndAddToolStripMenuItem Load and A&dd...
loadToolStripMenuItem &Load...
Longneck Longneck
Male Male
malesToolStripMenuItem Males
Maturation Maturation
Mother Mother
multiSetterToolStripMenuItem MultiSetter…
mutatedCreaturesToolStripMenuItem Mutated Creatures
mutationCounter Mutation-Counter
Mutations Mutations
Mutations_Abb Mu
Name Name
Narcotics Narcotics
naYet n/a yet
Neck Neck
Neutered Neutered
neuteredCreaturesToolStripMenuItem Neutered Creatures
newToolStripMenuItem &New Library
NoPossiblePairingForSpeciesFound No possible pairings found for {0}. Make sure at least one female and male are available in your library and that you didn't exclude all possible creatures via the tag-selector.
noTamingData no taming-data available
notAvailable not available
Note Note
notEnoughFoodToTame Not enough food to tame the creature!
notYetTamed not yet tamed
nudBPMutationLimitTT "Consider only creatures with at most this many mutations.
Set to -1 for any number of mutation."
obeliskCreaturesToolStripMenuItem Obelisk Creatures
onlinehelpToolStripMenuItem Online Manual…
onlyPairingsWith only pairings with "{0}"
OrOneBioToxinEvery or one Bio Toxin every
OrOneNarcoticEvery or one Narcotic every
Owner Owner
Oxygen Oxygen
Oxygen_Abb Ox
pasteCreatureToolStripMenuItem Paste Creature
pedigree Pedigree
Player Player
ProbabilityForBest Probability for this Best Possible outcome
quitToolStripMenuItem &Quit
Raising Raising
rbBPHighStats High Stats
rbBPHighStatsTT "Check for best next-generation-results.
The chance for an overall good creature is better.
Check if it's not important to have a Top-Stats-Offspring."
rbBPTopStats Top Stats Lc
rbBPTopStatsCn Top Stats Cn
rbBPTopStatsCnTT "Top Stats, Conservative.
Check for best long-term-results and if you want to go safe.
This mode will get to the best possible offspring steady and surely.
Some offsprings might be worse than in High-Stats-Mode, but that's the mode you go if you want to have that perfect creature in some generations."
rbBPTopStatsTT "Top Stats, Feeling Lucky.
Check for best long-term-results and if you're feeling lucky. It can be faster to get the perfect creature than in the Top-Stat-Conservative-Mode if you're lucky.
Some offsprings might be worse than in High-Stats-Mode, but you also have a chance to the best possible offspring."
runDefaultExtractionAndImportFileToolStripMenuItem Run default Extraction and import file
runDefaultExtractionToolStripMenuItem Run default Extraction
saveAsToolStripMenuItem Save &as...
saveToolStripMenuItem &Save
SelectSpeciesBreedingPlanner Select a species to see suggestions for the chosen breeding-mode
Server Server
setStatusToolStripMenuItem Set Status
settingsToolStripMenuItem Se&ttings…
Sex Sex
ShockingTranqDarts Shocking Tranq Darts
Slingshot Slingshot
SlingshotHits Slingshot Hits
Spayed Spayed
Species Species
Speed Speed
Speed_Abb Sp
Stamina Stamina
Stamina_Abb St
statChart Stat-Chart
Stats Stats
statTesting Stat Testing
Status Status
Tail Tail
tamed Tamed
Taming Taming
tamingCalculator Taming Calculator
tamingEffectiveness Taming Effectiveness
TamingEffectiveness_Abb TE
tamingInfo Taming Information
Time Time
TimeBetweenMating Time between mating
timerStarvingOf Starving of
timerWakeUpOf Wakeup of
TimeUntilFeedingAllFood Time until you can feed all needed food in one go
timeUntilStarving Time until starving:
TimeUntilTorporDepleted Time until max torpor is depleted
toolStripButtonAddNote Add Note
toolStripButtonClear Clear
toolStripButtonCopy2Extractor Copy to Extractor
toolStripButtonCopy2Tester Copy to Tester
toolStripButtonDeleteExpiredIncubationTimers Delete All Expired
toolStripButtonDeleteTempCreature Delete temp Cr
toolStripButtonDeleteTempCreatureTT Delete currently selected data of the temporary creature
toolStripButtonRemoveNote Remove Note
toolStripButtonSaveCreatureValuesTemp Save values
toolStripButtonSaveCreatureValuesTempTT Save entered values until extraction-issue is resolved. This creature cannot be used in other parts of this application until it is properly extracted.
Top Top
topPercentage Tp%
topPercentileLevel This level is in the top {0} % of what you can find.
Torpidity Torpidity
Torpidity_Abb To
TorporDepletion Torpor-depletion
TotalTime Total Time
TranqArrowsBow Tranquilizer Arrows (Bow)
TranqArrowsCrossBow Tranquilizer Arrows (Crossbow)
TranqDarts Tranquilizer Darts
Tribe Tribe
tsBtAddAsExtractionTest Add as Test
unavailableCreaturesToolStripMenuItem Unavailable Creatures
Unknown Unknown
viewToolStripMenuItem View
waitingAfterFirstFeeding Waiting time after first feeding: ~ {0}
WarningMoreStarvingThanFood Careful: this creature could have not enough food, so you might have to feed it before this time to prevent it from starving (check its inventory)!
Weight Weight
Weight_Abb We
wild Wild
wildLevelExplanation Wild levels, which are considered for breeding
wildLvl Wild-Lvl
WithXFoodTamingTakesTime With {0} × {1} taming takes {2}
WoodenClubHits Wooden Club Hits
WorstPossible Worst Possible

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