Fixes for high multipliers, cuddle-counter
- fix for the calculation with high server-multipliers for maturation that prevented a succesfull extraction of imprinted creatures
- added counter for number of cuddles in Tester and Extractor
- fixes from @aaron-williamson, regarding the merging of libraries without creating duplicats and a fix to not lose unsaved creatures with the file-sync-option. Thanks for that!
- link-fixes in the tool.
- added detailed probability chart for possible offspring levels in the breeding-planner
- added creaturelist in pedigreeView
- added missing creature-colors
- if there's a new values.json-version, you can click on No, to not update it. This is recommened for people playing on consoles (Xbox or PS4), as the changes usually take up to some days to weeks until they hit the consoles. It's recommened to backup the old values.json file first, so you can switch back easily, if the new values don't work yet.
- fixes:
- fix for not using the ImprintingBonus if a creature is not bred (thanks to @noheals for reporting that!)
- fix for bar-length in library-edit
- fix for domesticatedAt-value for virtual creatures (now by default current date)
- disabled contextmenu on pedigreeCreature-objects if there's no creature (e.g. headers in the breeding-plan)
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.