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@cadon cadon released this 05 Feb 23:48
· 2170 commits to master since this release


  • fix for out-of-range-error. Thanks for all the reports you sent in that helped to resolve this, especially to @ronindesign !
  • fix for suspended layout resizing-error. Thanks to @Sorha2 who pointed out what was wrong in the code.
  • performance-tweak in tester when changing TE or Imprinting


  • Added stat-potential-chart. Right-click a creature in the library and choose edit to go to the Tester. There you can see now what potential each stat has, if it is occuring in a bred creature with 100% imprinting, and if all domesticated levels are spend in this stat.
  • Added Radar-Chart. Saw this on and it's a good way to represent the stats, so I added it as well.
  • Setting for maxChartLevel: set the level that is the maximum used in charts (e.g. that level will be shown as very green, full bar width etc.). Usually setting this to a third of the maximum wild level is a good value.
  • fix for plaintext-export, added missing comma.

Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.

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