Improved OCR, fixed overlay, fix for extracting imprinted creatures
- improved OCR. This time it's doing its job pretty well, I'd say the recognition is above 90%. It's recommend to set the White-threshold to 160 in the settings. If you use a higher gamma than default, you should increase it more. Values above 180 probably will yield in worse results again, regardless of the gamma. Increasing the gamma will not improve the OCR in generell, the white-threshold should only be adjusted if you have increased gamma for other reasons.
- fix for overlay. Should work again.
- fix for imprinting when extracting bred creatures.
If you use the Classic Flyers-mod to change the stats of the flyers on your unofficial server back to the pre-nerf-state, you can use the file classicalFlyers.json located in the json-folder (included in the release) and load it via File -> Load additional values... to adjust the stat-values.
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" to the same folder where the executable is located to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
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