Updated classicFlyers-values
- updated classicFlyers-values. You need to copy the file from this release (in the folder /json) to the folder you have saved your library-file, so it takes the new values.
- fix for not changing taming-food input every time the tab is changed.
- added calculated tranqs for boneDamageAdjusters.
- numericUpDown-controls have a gray foreground if displaying the value 0 for better distinction of inputs that have values different from 0.
- changed behaviour of starving-timer (not needed in the old form).
- better handling for unknown levels when editing creatures (e.g. oxygen, speed for aquatics) (issue #512).
- fixed bug regarding OCR-template creation from font-file when characters where wider than 20 px.
If you use the Classic Flyers-mod to change the stats of the flyers on your unofficial server back to the pre-nerf-state, you can use the file classicalFlyers.json located in the json-folder (included in the release) and load it via File -> Load additional values... to adjust the stat-values. There is also a file to use with the gaia-mod, made by Inkraja (thanks for that!).
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" to the same folder where the executable is located to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 11 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
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