Performance boost for large libraries. Exception-Handling, Fixes
- significant performance boost on opening of large collections (#839), thanks go to @DodoCooker who spotted and fixed this. Opening large libraries are opened in some seconds instead of minutes now.
- Tribe name filter for savegame import added (Flachdachs)
- added Featherlight to images; thanks MikyoM
- update creatures if they are added again (with the same ark-id via importing).
- Moved folder "json" completely to AppData folder (Flachdachs)
- Add as optional download to the installer, adjust location to AppData folder. (If ASB is run as portable then this folder is used instead of AppData.)
- fix for File-Syncing services: CloudStation and Cloud sync (thanks to @DUnger !)
- Fix for #835, null reference error when no breeding values are available (Flachdachs)
- fix for displayed probability in breedingplan
- fix for handling not existing food for a selected species, if the speciesIndex changed
- Moved corrupted settings file handling to global exception handler, to catch all possible issues (Flachdachs)
- Catch savegame import exceptions (Flachdachs)
- Savegame import: prevent copy to itself if file location is configured as working dir (Flachdachs)
- Import savegame: set level to 1 for creatures without any level-up, like Jerboa (Flachdachs)
- empty string instead of null as default value for creature name (Flachdachs)
- fixed display of ingame ARK-id.
- added cryopod to status-cycle (e.g. in Multi-Setter)
unversioned hotfix (2018-12-12_21:18 UTC)
- removed sortName.txt-file from release that sorted the Rex at the top
Which version to take?
- Use the setup-ArkSmartBreeding-(version).exe for an installation in the system's programs folder. Suitable for single user installations.
- Extract the ARK.Smart.Breeding_(version).zip in an arbitrary folder to use it as a portable or shared installation.
If you use the Classic Flyers-mod to change the stats of the flyers on your unofficial server back to the pre-nerf-state, you can use the file classicalFlyers.json located in the json-folder (included in the release) and load it via File -> Load additional values... to adjust the stat-values. There is also a file to use with the gaia-mod, made by Inkraja (thanks for that!).
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" to the same folder where the executable is located to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 26 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
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