Managarmr-fix, Top-stats, Updater-fix
- Updater fixes (thanks to @VolatilePulse !)
- Currently still not fully clean implemented, but should work for now
- Option to save the library-file in a prettified json-format (Settings - General - Prettify JSON-library file) (#956)
- This will make it easier to compare the library-file for diff-applications, but will also nearly double the file-size. If you don't know what this is about, you should just leave that option disabled.
- Spanish translation, done by @KRIPT4 , thanks!
- custom timer sounds setting simplified
- in the timer-tab there's a button to open the folder where you have to put .wav-files. After restarting ASB you can then choose one of these files to play once a timer has expired.
- Managarmr gets converted correctly. Unfortunately you have to convert your old xml-library-file again to have them in your library.
- The creatures are not removed, they just have no species-identificator. For people who dare to edit the json-formatted .asb-file directly (remember to create a backup first), you can search for the Managarmrs and set their blueprintPath to the correct value, i.e. "blueprintPath": "/Game/Extinction/Dinos/IceJumper/IceJumper_Character_BP.IceJumper_Character_BP"
- Top-stats calculation
- Considered stats for library (color and top-stats) are now loading correctly
- Stat potential-display now works correctly again
General Infos
Which version to take?
- Use the setup-ArkSmartBreeding-(version).exe for an installation in the system's programs folder. Suitable for single user installations.
- Extract the ARK.Smart.Breeding_(version).zip in an arbitrary folder to use it as a portable or shared installation.
Species Images
The image-files have to be downloaded separately when using the zip version: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" to the same folder where the executable is located to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 29 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
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