Ambiguous color detection, OCR from Clipboard, Name Patterns
- if an imported creature contains an ambiguous color id, that is highlighted now with a red border around the color
- option to perform OCR on an image in the clipboard (#1236), if screencapture doesn't work
- Naming Patterns
- Improved substring function, now supports negative length parameters to specify an index from the end
- added regex replacing function
- added keys for maternal and paternal mutation count (
- added exact creature spawning command with levels with the mod DinoStorageV2
- option to freeze the server input when adding creatures
- option to copy generated pattern name to clipboard if manually created
- option to not add a creature to the library after auto import
- option to don't suggest pairings that could result in offspring that would exceed the server level limit
- updated French translation, thanks to Yanuut
- updated Spanish translation, thanks to Sergio
- better readability in tooltips for stats and mutation counters (#1239)
- if generated naming pattern name is too long for the game (>24 chars), show warning label instead of modal messagebox
- increased available hue-range to -360 - 360 for even/odd levels in planner
- option to set max wild level if creating test creatures
- removed rough estimation for spoiling for needed raising food
- changed beep sounds to wav files, beep generation didn't work for some users
- moved ignoreSexInPlanning option to breeding planner
- condensed Gacha taming food
- consider a species breedable only if it has a incubation or gestation time
- if creature is reimported, keep currently value of server, mutation counters, parents, note and tribe info and don't reset them
- fixed needed food amount for raising creatures
- make all used stats by a creature available in the extractor (affects mod species)
- UI fix when enabling quick wild stat check option
General Infos
Which version to take?
- Use the setup-ArkSmartBreeding-(version).exe for an installation in the system's programs folder. Suitable for single user installations.
- Extract the ARK.Smart.Breeding_(version).zip in an arbitrary folder to use it as a portable or shared installation.
Give Feedback on Discord, in the github-issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.