Releases: cadon/ARKStatsExtractor
New species of Ragnarok
- added new species of the DLC Ragnarok.
- fix for speed level of giganotosaur
- improved rounding-errors regarding consider-wild-level-steps.
- increased possible input-numbers in many controls.
- added option to disable adjusting imprinting-percentage, for use with mods that alter it to else sometimes impossible values (e.g. 100%).
If you use the Classic Flyers-mod to change the stats of the flyers on your unofficial server back to the pre-nerf-state, you can use the file classicalFlyers.json located in the json-folder (included in the release) and load it via File -> Load additional values... to adjust the stat-values.
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" to the same folder where the executable is located to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
Give Feedback on reddit, directly here in the issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.
Improved handling of ingame-rounded values. Fixes.
- Fix for extraction-algorithm (prevented extraction of some bred creatures)
- fix for tab-order in the settings
- selected species is remembered when loading additional values
- The displayed values in the game are often rounded, but internally more decimalplaces are used to calculate the values. This causes some issues when the tool tries to reverse these calculations. The algorithms are now improved to handle it better, resulting in less failed extractions, especially on unofficial servers and the thylacoleo, which was especially sensitive to rounding issues.
- fix issue with 100% imprinted creatures.
- fix for speed-level if TE is unknown (happened with the giganotosaurus).
- radiobutton-fix when copying values of a non-bred creature from the library to the extractor.
- Megalosaurus shows oxygen-stat despite not using it, it's now also shown in the extractor.
If you use the Classic Flyers-mod to change the stats of the flyers on your unofficial server back to the pre-nerf-state, you can use the file classicalFlyers.json located in the json-folder (included in the release) and load it via File -> Load additional values... to adjust the stat-values.
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" to the same folder where the executable is located to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
Give Feedback on reddit, directly here in the issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.
- fixed download path of updated values.json when updating.
- fixed fertilized eggs showing up for oviraptor.
- moved considerWildLevelSteps to collectionFile, it's not a global setting anymore.
If you use the Classic Flyers-mod to change the stats of the flyers on your unofficial server back to the pre-nerf-state, you can use the file classicalFlyers.json located in the json-folder (included in the release) and load it via File -> Load additional values... to adjust the stat-values.
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" to the same folder where the executable is located to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
Give Feedback on reddit, directly here in the issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.
- increased OCR-template font-size-input to max 31.
- electrophorus has oxygen-stat.
- fix for applying matingIntervalMultiplier correctly.
- fix for tooltips in settings.
- fix for showing ocrTemplate overlay of recognized letter after changing the template.
- added note if top-creature is already available in conservative breeding-mode.
- added setting for wildlevelsteps, needed for some mods.
Thanks for all the feedback to find these bugs.
If you use the Classic Flyers-mod to change the stats of the flyers on your unofficial server back to the pre-nerf-state, you can use the file classicalFlyers.json located in the json-folder (included in the release) and load it via File -> Load additional values... to adjust the stat-values.
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" to the same folder where the executable is located to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
Give Feedback on reddit, directly here in the issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.
Improved OCR, fixed overlay, fix for extracting imprinted creatures
- improved OCR. This time it's doing its job pretty well, I'd say the recognition is above 90%. It's recommend to set the White-threshold to 160 in the settings. If you use a higher gamma than default, you should increase it more. Values above 180 probably will yield in worse results again, regardless of the gamma. Increasing the gamma will not improve the OCR in generell, the white-threshold should only be adjusted if you have increased gamma for other reasons.
- fix for overlay. Should work again.
- fix for imprinting when extracting bred creatures.
If you use the Classic Flyers-mod to change the stats of the flyers on your unofficial server back to the pre-nerf-state, you can use the file classicalFlyers.json located in the json-folder (included in the release) and load it via File -> Load additional values... to adjust the stat-values.
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" to the same folder where the executable is located to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
Give Feedback on reddit, directly here in the issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.
Autonaming, Tweaks, Fixes
- added species of v257
- Generate sequential unique name in Stat Testing and Extractor. Commited by @tsebring , thanks a lot for that feature!
- increased size of OCR-letter-templates to 31x31 to support larger screen-resolutions
- After clicking on the justMatedButton in the breedingPlanner, the mother gets the cooldown
- added setting for time before taking screenshot with ocr
- sorting out more impossible combinations that violate the possible wild-level
- fix for missing-index in statOverlay.
- fix for recognizing tribe and owner
- fixed tab-order in creature-input
If you use the Classic Flyers-mod to change the stats of the flyers on your unofficial server back to the pre-nerf-state, you can use the file classicalFlyers.json located in the json-folder (included in the release) and load it via File -> Load additional values... to adjust the stat-values.
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" to the same folder where the executable is located to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
Give Feedback on reddit, directly here in the issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.
Improved OCR
- Improved OCR (don't expect 100%, it's now rather 80% :)
- OCR can be adjusted and config-files for other resolutions can be created. If you have created a file for other resolutions, you can send it to me for inclusion in the tool. For more infos, see OCR.
- new filter for mutated creatures in the library, thanks to @tsebring for adding that!
- added event-multipliers in the settings for easier switching during an event.
- crash-fix if no colorinfo is given (unicorn).
- fix for non-oxygen-species.
- fix: taming-data gets updated when changing species in other tab.
If you use the Classic Flyers-mod to change the stats of the flyers on your unofficial server back to the pre-nerf-state, you can download this file and load it via File -> Load additional values... to adjust the stat-values.
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" to the same folder where the executable is located to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
Give Feedback on reddit, directly here in the issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.
Classical Flyers fix
- fix for using the additional values for the Classical Flyers mod. Now the NoSpeedImprinting and the HP-nerf can also be reverted. If you had issues with that, redownload the extra, now fixed json-file.
- added new multiplier for health (Bronto, Flyers, Doedi, Carbo)
- added new imprinting-behaviour for flyers (they don't use it anymore for speed).
- added input for whiteThreshold for OCR (can improve OCR with increased gamma).
- improved OCR-performance (not the accuracy yet).
- added autoscroll to more tabs.
- fix if wild-quick-check is enabled when doing an ocr.
- fix for exporting wild-creature-stats.
If you use the Classic Flyers-mod to change the stats of the flyers on your unofficial server back to the pre-nerf-state, you can download this file and load it via File -> Load additional values... to adjust the stat-values.
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
Give Feedback on reddit, directly here in the issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.
Flyer-nerf, HP-nerf
- added new multiplier for health (Bronto, Flyers, Doedi, Carbo)
- added new imprinting-behaviour for flyers (they don't use it anymore for speed).
- added input for whiteThreshold for OCR (can improve OCR with increased gamma).
- improved OCR-performance (not the accuracy yet).
- added autoscroll to more tabs.
- fix if wild-quick-check is enabled when doing an ocr.
- fix for exporting wild-creature-stats.
If you use the Classic Flyers-mod to change the stats of the flyers on your unofficial server back to the pre-nerf-state, you can download this file and load it via File -> Load additional values... to adjust the stat-values.
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
Give Feedback on reddit, directly here in the issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.
New species of v256, adjusted OCR, Fixes
- Adjusted the OCR to the new ui. It's only adjusted for 1920x1080 yet, and it's not as good as it was before. Though the font seems more crisp, the font-weight was reduced which makes it harder. Do an extra-check on the common mistakes is does (3 <-> 8, 5 <-> 6, etc.).
- Added new species of v256.
- Added estimation of time after first feeding a passive tame
- Fixed starving-timer (was completely wrong before)
- the stats of creatures without oxygen are not offset anymore
Flyer-note: Due to the flyer-nerf, a lost of numbers in the game are outdated, and the tool won't recognize them as correct. If you have issues with flyers, give them one or two days to update their values.
Note: The image-files have to be downloaded separately: Creature-Images. Extract the folder "img" in the tool's folder to get better visuals of the creature's colors. Currently 7 creatures are included. You don't need to redownload this file if you already have the creature-images.
Give Feedback on reddit, directly here in the issues-section or on the official ARK-forums.