Calamus Finance is a protocol for streaming cryptocurrency that operates in a decentralized manner, enabling individuals to make payments and receive them at any given time, while also facilitating automatic token vesting.
The reason for selecting Injective is its all-encompassing nature within the Cosmos Ecosystem, which enables us to save time on research and development and concentrate more on feature development.
- Payroll: Pay your employees by the second quickly. Company will have complete control over frequency, liquidity amount and duration. Cancellation is possible at any time by the payer and/or payee.
- Token Vesting: Reward your team, advisors and investors with tokens automatically without any fear of foul-play
- CosmWasm: To develop smart contracts
- InjectiveLabs SDK
- InjectiveLabs Wallet API
- Injectived Dev tool
- NextJS 12
- Charka UI components
- React 17 & React-Redux
Prior to beginning, it is necessary to install Rust and NodeJS.
- Install Injectived
- Add new address or import keys using two commands:
injectived keys add
injectived keys import
- CD to contract folder:
cd contracts/
- Compile contract
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \ --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \ --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \ cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.12.12
- Upload wasm code
INJ_ADDRESS=<your_inj_address> injectived tx wasm store artifacts/inject_cash.wasm \ --from=$(echo $INJ_ADDRESS) \ --chain-id="injective-888" \ --yes --gas-prices=500000000inj --gas=20000000 \ --node=
- Query last tx
injectived query tx <your_tx_hash> --node=
- Check events and get code_id from log, our code_id in Testnet is 862
- events: - attributes: - key: access_config value: '{"permission":"Everybody","address":"","addresses":[]}' - key: checksum value: '"cfAswcayj/XJRHiV0Y3/hejWQZ70ymhgY9QWjez8plU="' - key: code_id value: '"514"' - key: creator value: '"inj1gwpnskafpjn4dg5uarh6cc5s68gv86589zcfxp"'
export CODE_ID=<code_id>
- Get contract address
CONTRACT=$(injectived query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --node= --output json | jq -r '.contracts[-1]')
injectived query wasm contract $CONTRACT --node=
- Run command:
npm i
- Run dev mode:
npm run dev
- Run production mode:
npm run start
Our main smart contract is here
- CD to contract folder:
cd contracts/
- Run command:
cargo test
Copyright © 2023 Calamus Finance. See LICENSE for further details.