The pieces of code stored here were initially written to present Type Annotations in Python and Static Type-Checking during the PhDCircus event organized on 2019, May 24 at TDB. The Jupyter/IPython Notebook mypy_examples.ipynb aimed to show live example of code run either with the mypy type checker or with the regular Python interpreter.
The repository contains, along the IPython code:
- mypy.ini: an example of configuration file for mypy,
- a simple short piece of code for illustrating the use of mypy with Python (and not IPython),
- a piece of code for making mypy static type-checking usable with the IPython environment.
Python >= 3.5, for example on Ubuntu systems (further info at
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3.x
Jupyter Notebook (Formerly known as the IPython Notebook)
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ python3 -m pip install jupyter
The installation of Jupyter Notebook above will also install the IPython kernel which allows working on notebooks using the Python programming language.
IPython (Productive Interactive Computing), provides a kernel for Jupyter
$ pip install ipython
$ pip install mypy
The installation of IPython should create a .ipython folder at your system's home folder.
The code for the customized magic function has to be saved at
Once you have saved the files in a project folder, open a terminal and run
$ cd /path/to/project
$ jupyter notebook
This should open a new tab/window in your browser with a locally-hosted Jupyter server (http://localhost:8888/tree) and a list of the files you downloaded, including the mypy_examples.ipynb file. Open the that file.
The Jupyter Notebook is ready for running!
- Camille Clouard - Initial work