This is an e-commerce website developed as the final project for CMPT372 at SFU. The frontend is built with Next.js and hosted on Google Cloud Run. The backend is built with Express.js, and the database used is PostgreSQL, both hosted on a Linux Google Cloud Compute Engine.
Visit the website at
Note: web application will only function when the backend compute engine is online
- Ensure docker is installed on your system
- Create a PayPal Developer account and create a new REST API app at
- Create a Google OAuth2.0 Client ID, instructions at
- In the Authorized JavaScript origins section, add
as one of the URIs
- In the Authorized JavaScript origins section, add
- From the root of the project, cd into
- Create a new environment variable file called
, which should contain the following variables:
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID='your Google client ID'
SECRET_KEY='any secret key used to encrypt data'
PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID='your PayPal developer client ID'
Replace the values of the environment variables with your relevant keys.
- From the root of the project, cd into
- Create a new environment variable file called
, which should contain the following variables:
PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID='your PayPal developer client ID'
PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET='your PayPal developer secret'
Replace the values of the environment variables with your relevant keys.
- From the root of the project, run
docker-compose up
- Wait for all of the docker containers to start up
- Now that both the frontend, backend, and database are running, the application should be accessible in your browser at