I'm Cameron, a software engineer from the Bay Area 👋 I've been working the tech industry since 2010, mostly in Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript. I'm a maintainer of the ViewComponent framework and have a deep affection for open-source ❤️
- arel-helpers - Useful tools to help construct database queries with ActiveRecord and Arel.
- rux - JSX for Ruby and Rails. Allows rendering ViewComponents and markup inside your Ruby code using HTML tags.
- scuttle - A library and website for transforming raw SQL statements into ActiveRecord/Arel queries.
- twitter-cldr-rb - A Ruby implementation of the industry-standard International Components for Unicode (ICU) for formating dates, plurals, and more.
- view_component - Co-maintainer. A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on Rails.
- garnet-js An implementation of the YARV virtual machine in TypeScript.
- onload A preprocessor system for Ruby that makes it possible to transform files before they are loaded into the interpreter.
- cldr-segmentation.js CLDR text segmentation for JavaScript.
- antlr4-native-rb Create native Ruby extensions from (almost) any ANTLR4 grammar.
- prebundler Speed up gem installation by prebuilding gems and storing them in S3.
- ttfunk A font parsing library. I contributed OTF font support.
- kuby A convention-over-configuration deployment solution for Rails apps, built on Kubernetes.
- Reasonably Simple Computer (RSC)
- rosette Internationalization system that manages translatable content from the source files in a git repository.
- abroad A set of parsers and serializers for dealing with localization file formats.
See: https://www.rubyvideo.dev/speakers/cameron-dutro
- 4-time speaker at RubyConf and RailsConf!
- Kuby: Active Deployment for Rails Apps (RailsConf 2022)
- Cheating with Ruby (RubyConf 2018)
- Lightning talk: Installing 440 gems in 40 seconds (RubyConf 2017)
- Advanced aRel: When ActiveRecord Just Isn't Enough (RailsConf 2014)
- i18n on Rails: A Twitter Approach (RailsConf 2012)
- SF Bay Area Ruby Meetup
- WASM from Ruby (January 2024)
- How GitHub Uses Web Components (September 2024)
- Let's Write a C Extension! (July 2024)
- Personal blog: https://camerondutro.com
- Here's the Responsible Monkeypatching article I wrote for the AppSignal blog.
- Mastodon: https://ruby.social/@camertron
- Website: https://camerondutro.com