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chore(deps): update canonical/setup-lxd digest to 440e41f #64

chore(deps): update canonical/setup-lxd digest to 440e41f

chore(deps): update canonical/setup-lxd digest to 440e41f #64

Workflow file for this run

name: Test action
on: [push, pull_request, workflow_dispatch]
name: Minimal smoke tests for the action
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
- uses: actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683 # v4
- name: Setup Anbox Cloud
uses: ./
channel: 1.24/edge
- name: Restore cached images
uses: actions/cache/restore@1bd1e32a3bdc45362d1e726936510720a7c30a57 # v4
path: images
key: anbox-images-amd64
- name: Import cached images
run: |
amc image add jammy:android13:amd64 ./images/android13.tar.xz
- name: Tune configuration
run: |
amc config set container.security_updates false
- name: Create Android instance
id: create-instance
run: |
set -x
id="$(amc launch -r -s adb jammy:android13:amd64)"
amc wait -c status=running "$id"
echo "id=$id" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: Access Android over ADB
run: |
sudo apt install -y adb
id=${{ }}
addr="$(amc show "$id" --format=json | jq -r .network.address)"
adb connect "$addr":5559
test "$(adb shell getprop ro.product.model)" = Anbox