Generic Simple Phaser Webpack Repo Configuration
Includes basic configuration for
- WebPack basic config (CSS/icons/images/files)
- ESlint, Stylelint
- Github linters
- Phaser
- Basic source fonts: open source Futura (./src/fonts/futura)
- HTML/CSS, Javascript, Webpack, NPM, yarn.
- ESlint, Stylelint
- Phaser
- VSCode
To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple example steps.
- To install the app in your system, make sure you have node/npm installed. get npm
- Clone the repository in your system by using:
git clone
- Next step is to CD into the local repository and run:
$ npm install
$ yarn build
👤 Carlos Anriquez
- Github: @canriquez
- Twitter: @cranriquez
- Linkedin: linkedin
- Portfolio:
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Family, always my family.
- The Beagles!
This project is MIT licensed.