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The tooling and deep-learning models for fine-grained road detection from aerial/satellite images


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Road-Discovery: Tooling & Models for Fine-Grained Road Detection from Aerial/Satellite Images

STATEMENT: This is ONLY and nothing more than a TOY EXAMPLE for understanding the basic possible approach of detecting objects from aerial images. The models included in this repository is under-trained with some public datasets, hence is not suitable for practical use cases. In case of using any source code and/or model, please add reference of this repository to your work.

This repo contains two complete examples of aerial detection using DeepLab+CRF and GoogleNet models respectively.

This toolbox contains functions of

  • data-preprocessing (of Kaggle dstl dataset): src/prepare_data_label/
  • training models: train_dev/
  • training metrics visualization: src/visualize_training_log/
  • compression and de-compression of exported models (c.f. Deep Compression Paper): model_compression/
  • model deployment and test: deploy_test/
  • a demo in docker: demo_docker/

Prerequisite: Make sure you have Docker installed on your computer.

To Start Demo

Run in terminal:

git clone

cd ./demo_docker


Now, you need to wait until it finishes with a Unix prompt: root@86d8e0a049b9:/workspace#; and you are good to go.

B.T.W. To cleanup the demo environment, use


Models in Action

If you want to change the prediction source code, you may rebuild the binary with make -j4 in the corresponding folders (i.e. deploy_test/road_finder_dlcrf/ and deploy_test/road_finder_gneti/).

The DeepLab prediction has 2 modes: fast (non-overlap prediction) and slow (overlapped prediction); the input patch has size of 449x449. To try out in docker container:

cd /workspace/road-discovery/deploy_test/road_finder_dlcrf/bin

./dlcrfRF ../../test_resource/img1.jpg /workspace/mount/dlcrf_img1_out

The GoogleNet model is generally slower because it merely predicts the central 16x16 small area for each input patch (224x224). To try out (the output file is in the same folder by default):

cd /workspace/road-discovery/deploy_test/road_finder_gneti/bin

./gnetiRF ../../test_resource/img2.jpg

Feel free to try out your own images by copying them to the mounted folder "road-discovery/demo_docker/mount/"

Demonstration: A Few Examples

You might get slightly worse predictions than the examples illustrated below, which is due to the model compression operation carried out on the original models.


upper-left: input image; upper-right: prediction overlay; bottom-left: label; bottom-right: prediction
alt text

upper-left: input image; upper-right: prediction overlay; bottom-left: label; bottom-right: prediction
alt text


upper: prediction image; bottom: input raw image
alt text

upper: prediction image; bottom: input raw image
alt text

[OPTIONAL for DEMO] - Retrain/Finetune Your Own Models

Download Raw Data

The dstl raw data+label has to be downloaded to data/raw folder following detailed instructions here. The major steps are:

  1. Install Kaggle API:
  2. Download all Dstl data: kaggle competitions download -c dstl-satellite-imagery-feature-detection
  3. Unpack the three_band data; and copy the unpacked data, grid_sizes.csv, and train_wkt_v4 to corresponding locations according to the example files under folder data/raw.

Preprocess Data and Label

This step aims for generating a dataset from raw data. Make sure Python 2.7 is installed; then navigate to folder src/prepare_data_label and Run

python ../../data/raw/3band_rgb ../../data/raw/train_wkt_v4.csv ../../data/dataset/images

python ../../data/raw/3band_rgb ../../data/raw ../../data/dataset/labels 0

Generate DB for Caffe Training

Python 2.7 with cv2, glob, and lmdb installed is required. You need to navigate to folder src/prepare_data_label. To generate DB for training a DeepLab+CRF model:

python ../../data/dataset/images ../../data/dataset/labels ../../data/imgdb/dlcrf_data ../../data/imgdb/dlcrf_label ../../data/imgdb/dlcrf_index.txt

To generate DB for training a GoogleNet model:

python ../../data/dataset/images ../../data/dataset/labels ../../data/lmdb/gneti_data ../../data/lmdb/gneti_label 10

Training Models

This requires all previous steps finishes. In docker container, navigate to folder train_dev/. Before running any training, you may want to change the hyperparameters in solver.prototxt according to this page.

To train a DeepLab+CRF model:

cd /workspace/road-discovery/train_dev/dlcrf_deeplab_crf/

nohup caffe train -solver solver.prototxt -weights ./pretrained.caffemodel > log_dlcrf.txt &

To train a GoogleNet model:

cd /workspace/road-discovery/train_dev/gneti_googlenet_inception/

nohup caffe train -solver solver.prototxt -weights ./pretrained.caffemodel > log_gneti.txt &

You can visualize and analyse the training performance by doing:

cd /workspace/road-discovery/src/visualize_training_log

# visualize training log of DeepLab+CRF
python ./log_example_dlcrf.txt

# visualize training log of GoogleNet
python ./log_example_gneti.txt

Compression and De-compression of Models

In docker container, navigate to folder /workspace/road-discovery/model_compression/, and you can do the following things:

Compression of DeepLab+CRF model:

# DeepLab+CRF model
python compress ../deploy_test/road_finder_dlcrf/bin/deploy_finder_cpu.prototxt ../train_dev/dlcrf_deeplab_crf/snapshots/dl2crf_iter_xxxxx.caffemodel

# GoogleNet model
python compress ../deploy_test/road_finder_gneti/bin/deploy_finder_cpu.prototxt ../train_dev/gneti_googlenet_inception/snapshots/goneti_iter_xxxxx.caffemodel

De-compression examples:

# DeepLab+CRF model
python decompress ../deploy_test/road_finder_dlcrf/bin/deploy_finder_cpu.prototxt ./dl2crf_iter_xxxxx.npz

# GoogleNet model
python decompress ../deploy_test/road_finder_gneti/bin/deploy_finder_cpu.prototxt ./goneti_iter_xxxxx.npz

Stay Tuned for Road-Vectorization and Change-Detection

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The tooling and deep-learning models for fine-grained road detection from aerial/satellite images







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