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born2beroot 🇫🇷🇦🇺 (passed 125/100)

Not going to put all the steps in here because other people have done a much better job at doing that. I'll link a few below that I found super useful.

step by step stuff


I had no idea how to do the bonuses so I just followed this.

Shit to remember for the evaluation

There's more obviously, but these were the ones I had written down here.

  • Check the current hostname
$ hostnamectl
  • Change the hostname
$ hostnamectl set-hostname <whateverNameYouWantGoesHere>
  • Change /etc/hosts file
$ sudo vim /etc/hosts
  • Change the old hostname to the new new one       localhost       <whateverNewNameYouWantGoesHere>
  • Reboot and check the change
$ sudo reboot
$ hostnamectl
  • Check ufw shit
$ sudo ufw status 
  • Deleting ufw rules
$ sudo ufw status numbered
$ sudo ufw delete (that number, for example 5 or 6)
  • Check ssh
$sudo systemctl sshd status
  • Adding a new user
$ sudo adduser <newusername>
  • Add usergroup
$ sudo groupadd <newgroupname>
  • Check groups
$ getent grouup
  • Add user to groupp
$ sudo usermod -aG <groupname> <username>
  • Check if user is in group
$ getent group <groupname>
  • Check which groups current acct belongs to
$ groups
  • Check users password shit
$ sudo chage -l <username>
  • Check partitions
$ lsblk
  • Set up/edit cron job
$ sudo crontab -u root -e
  • Stop and start cron
$ sudo /sbin/service cron stop
$ sudo /sbin/service cron start
  • Check fail2ban shit
$ sudo fail2ban-client status
$ sudo fail2ban-client status sshd
$ sudo tail -f /var/log/fail2ban.log


You can't remember shit, so make aliases. For example, in your ~/.bashrc add the following:

alias sudo='sudo '
alias cronstart='/sbin/service cron stop'
alias cronstop='/sbin/service cron stop'

apt vs apt-get

There's layers to this shit, so bear with me. Right, so Debian uses a package manager called dpkg which kinda does what it says, it handles packages. APT (Advanced Packaging Tool), which is not to be confused with the command apt, is a set of package management tools that that are built on top of dpkg. Then there are tools built on top of that such as apt-get. Now tools like apt-get are really good, but they're also really complicated in the sense that they almost have too many features and options. This is where apt (which is the command for the Aptitude tool) comes in. apt is build on top of apt-get, and esentially simplifies it. A lot of the most widely used features from apt-get (and apt-cache which sort of like the search tool for apt-get) are bundled in or turned on/off as standard with apt, with a lot of the more osbscure ones left out.

Extra Dumb Shit

This stuff is COMPLETELY unnecessary but I got bored and did it while I was waiting to do evals to get enough points to get this evaulated lol.

  • Change the prompt a bit, put this in ~/.bashrc, around line 60:
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\e[0;90m\][\[\e[0;92m\]\u\[\e[0;32m\]@\[\e[0;32m\]\h\[\e[0;90m\]]\[\e[0    ;36m\]\w\[\e[0;90m\]$\[\e[0m\] '

Nothing special, I just used some online prompt making tool thing, just Google that shit if you feel like doing it.

I also a few extra things like irssi, screen and htop, just because.


$ wall "this sucks lol"






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