My name is Jordan Eldredge and I'm a software engineer at Meta currently working on Relay a JavaScript GraphQL client.
I have many side projects including:
- Webamp - A reimplementation of Winamp 2.9 in HTML5 and Javascript.
- TechCrunch, Motherboard, Gizmodo, Hacker News (1, 2, 3, 4), and elsewhere.
- Winamp Skin Museum - Infinite scroll through >100k Winamp skins with instant search and in-browser interactive preview.
- Grats - Implementation-First GraphQL for TypeScript using static analysis.
- Eel-Wasm - An in-browser compiler which speeds up in-browser rendering of user-defined music visualizations.
- Presented at TS Conf 2021
- no-constant-binary-expression - A core ESLint rule which I proposed and contributed. Has caught interesting bugs in many popular JavaScript projects.