Open Science and FAIR principles change the way biomedical research is conducted, disseminated, and brings benefits to society. In this workshop you will learn how the adoption of FAIR principles makes you a better leader and how it can increase productivity of your team.
Thanks for contributing to The Carpentries Incubator! This repository provides a blank starting point for lessons to be developed here.
A member of the Carpentries Curriculum Team will work with you to get your lesson listed on the Community Developed Lessons page and make sure you have everything you need to begin developing your new lesson.
Before you begin developing your new lesson, here are a few things we recommend you do:
- Decide on a title for your new lesson!
Once you've chosen a new title, you can set the value for
in <_config.yml> - [x ] Add the URL to your built lesson pages to the repository description*
- [x ] Add relevant topic tags to your lesson repository.
- [x ] Fill in the fields marked
in:- this README
- <_config.yml>
- [ x] If you're going to be developing lesson material for the first time according to our design principles, consider reading the Carpentries Curriculum Development Handbook
- [x ] Consult the Lesson Example website to find out more about working with the lesson template
- If you are planning to write your lesson in RMarkdown,
create a
branch and set this as the default branch in your repository settings - Update this README with relevant information about your lesson and delete this section
* To set the URL on GitHub, click the gear wheel button next to About on the right of the repository landing page. The lesson URL structure is<repository-slug>: a repository at will have pages at the lesson URL
We welcome all contributions to improve the lesson! Maintainers will do their best to help you if you have any questions, concerns, or experience any difficulties along the way.
We'd like to ask you to familiarize yourself with our Contribution Guide and have a look at the more detailed guidelines on proper formatting, ways to render the lesson locally, and even how to write new episodes.
Please see the current list of [issues][FIXME] for ideas for contributing to this
repository. For making your contribution, we use the GitHub flow, which is
nicely explained in the chapter Contributing to a Project in Pro Git
by Scott Chacon.
Look for the tag . This indicates that the maintainers will welcome a pull request fixing this issue.
Current maintainers of this lesson are
A list of contributors to the lesson can be found in
To cite this lesson, please consult with