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New website (work in progress) for the Consortium for the Advancement of Scientific Software (CASS)

Core tools

This website uses Jekyll and the Minimal Mistakes theme and is hosted on GitHub Pages with a custom domain at


If you're familiar with Jekyll and the GitHub pull request process, feel free to propose your own changes in the form of a pull request. (Please test your changes with a local Jekyll installation before submitting the pull request.) Otherwise, you're probably best off submitting an issue to the GitHub repository, or reaching out to the point of contact to discuss your needs.

Content conventions

  • (Page) Titles (h1) should be in title case

  • All other headings (h2+) should be in sentence case

  • Heading levels should be used in sequence (e.g., h4 inside h3 inside h2). Don't skip levels because you don't like how a heading level is rendered. This impedes accessibility.

  • Generally avoid going deep in headings unless there is a strong reason. If you think you need h4 or higher, give it some more thought.

  • Refer to "CASS member organizations", not "SSOs" or such

    • The phrase "software stewardship organization" should only be used in describing the type of projects/organizations that are members of CASS.
  • We must avoid the appearance that we are a "DOE-only" organization. It happens that all of the founding members are DOE-funded projects, but we are open to any project/organization with a software stewardship mission compatible with our Charter joining. Don't use DOE-specific or exclusive language.

  • When linking to papers and such, use DOIs wherever possible.

    • Note that many publisher sites list the DOI and provide a link, but often that link is to a publisher site, not to the DOI resolver ( We should only link to the DOI resolver site.

Key data files and their usage

A number of files in the _data/ directory contain key information used throughout the site.


This file contains information about CASS as an organization, include the list of members (with key details), the steering committee members, and the officers. The list of members is keyed to the short_name of the organizations, with the usual capitalization.


This file contains common information about people so that it can be presented easily and consistently on the site. The list is keyed to the individual's name. When referenced on the site, the name must match exactly the name in this file for the lookup to succeed.

The minimum expected fields (those used currently on the site) are: affiliation, short_affil, and email. Additional field can be added as needed.

The _include/people-info.html function uses this file to look up and emit information in HTML format.

Person One:
  affiliation: Full name of institutional affiliation
  short_affil: Abbreviated institutional affiliation
  email: email address


This file contains the "areas" used in the software catalog. The list is keyed to the locally-defined short_name for each area (short and all lowercase). The list maps the short_names to a consistent set of human-friendly names, as used in the ECP ST area, as well as terse descriptions.

Data structure details

In the initial implementation of the site, we allowed multiple short_names to map to the same area name. We've since changed to limit it to a 1:1 mapping so that we can have the default sort for the software collection be by area. Some of the processing code still supports the many-to-one mapping, but we'll eliminate that over time in favor of simpler code.

The name values should be in sentence case

Rendering details

When rendering the site, use _include/software-areas-lookup to access the structure systematically. The function takes a specification of the input key, the values to lookup, and the key to output the corresponding values from. Any of the keys in the structure can be used as inputs or outputs (currently short_name, name, and description). Note that because of limitations of Jekyll and Liquid, the result returned is not an array, but a text string which must be converted into an array. The general use case looks like this:

{% capture a %}{% include sw-areas-lookup values=values input="name" output="short_name" sep="|" %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign a = a | strip_newlines | split: "|" %}

If there is no mapping for the given area, it should be rendered as given, in red font to call out that there's a problem.

Software catalog

The _software collection is presented on the /software/ page, with individual pages in the /software/ directory. Documentation for contributions to this collection can be found in the _software/ and _software/ files.

Point of contact

David Bernholdt (@bernhold) is the primary point of contact for the website.