Finally, animations between routes! This package is tightly integrated with Iron Router and VelocityJS.
Check out the live demo.
- prevent the flash when force feeding. how does he register his effects?
- Expand the set of animations with Velocity.RegisterEffect
- Create a new demo with a dropdown menu of effects
- Support default animation
- How to handle iron router
meteor add ccorcos:transitioner
First you need to add Iron Router and make some routes. Then you'll need to wrap the {{>yield}}
in your iron layout with the transitioner block helpers:
{{> yield}}
Then you can specify transitions between routes using the following:
fromRoute: 'fromRouteName',
toRoute: 'toRouteName',
velocityAnimation: {
in: animation,
out: animation
An animation
can be one of three things.
The easiest is to pass a VelocityJS UI Pack pre-registered effect as a string. For example, 'transition.swoopIn', 'transition.whirlOut', 'transition.slideLeftIn', etc. A you can find a demo of these effects in the dropdown of the "Effects: Pre-Registered" section. You can also check out the source to see how to register your own effects. For example:
$.Velocity.RegisterEffect 'transition.pushLeftIn', defaultDuration: 500, calls: [ [{translateX: ['0%', '-100%'], translateZ: 0, easing: "ease-in-out", opacity: [1, 1]}] ]
enforces GPU usage and theopacity: [1, 1]
dummy variable prevents a flash at the beginning of the animation. -
If you want to pass options like easing or duration, you pass an array of velocity arguements.
You can create custom animations just like you would with
. For example:slideRight = in: (node, next) -> $node = $(node) $.Velocity.hook($node, "translateX", "100%"); $node.insertBefore(next) .velocity {translateX: ['0%', '100%']}, duration: 500 easing: 'ease-in-out' queue: false out: (node) -> $node = $(node) $node.velocity {translateX: '-100%'}, duration: 500 easing: 'ease-in-out' queue: false complete: -> $node.remove()
You can also set a default animation between all routes using Transitioner.defualt
. For example:
in: 'transition.fadeIn'
out: 'transition.fadeOut'
Build your app such that every page has it's own self-contained style. You'll also need every div up to your transitioner to have a specified height and width, typically 100%.