This is not a real OS! This is a work in progress! This is for computercraft! This GitHub project is now available! Solar OS Version 1.3.9 Beta Arizona is available for download! Please select the latest version from the dropdown list for the best experience.
#1: First open Windows Explorer. The in the bar that is next to the arrows, type %appdata%, and then click on .Minecraft folder.
#2: Next, you want to find the saves folder, and find the named folder of your computercraft world. Then, click on the computer folder.
#3: After, find the folder disk. If there are no numbers in your folder, then create one with the number '1' without the quotes.
#4: After you have created that folder or found the folder, get the version folder from github.
#5: When you have the folder from github, get the files 'eject, install, and startup' from the disk folder first and paste it into the main level of this folder.
#6: After you have done that, click on the folder 'os' and copy/paste it into the folder of your disk number.
#7: When you have done that, play Minecraft on that world, get the disk with the same id as the folder number, and put it in a disk drive.
#8: Follow the instructions on the screen, and have a great time using your new OS!
Gitget Installer is here! This is the simpler method, and easier for servers, if you don't have access the filesystem to the server. Use these commands in a computer, and you will have installed Solar OS!
wget install.lua
SolarOS's Page for updates on computercraft!