UsefulHats 1.2.0 - for Minecraft 1.14.4
released this
21 Oct 15:25
All hats can now be enchanted with Respiration, Aqua Affinity & Thorns.
Hat effects can be enhanced with Efficiency enchantment (Mining, Chopping, Straw, Postman).
Duration of Conduit Power effect of Aquanaut Helmet can be enhanced with Respiration enchantment
Hats do not have an amor value.
Durability of hats is now connected with effect usage.
Hats do not loose durability, when player gets damage.
Mining, Chopping & Straw Hat: Durability goes down with breaking blocks.
Postman, Aquanaut, Wing: Durability goes down by effect usage time.
Stocking: Durability goes down randomly by time.
Other changes
rework of textures (usage of second skin layer) and icons (better outlines)
Tooltip of hat items looks better now.
Fix Aquanaut Helmet recipe: All glass panes can now be used for crafting
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