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Pull down to refresh `WebView` Page in flutter with `RefreshIndicator`.


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Flutter Web Refresh

Pull down to refresh WebView Page in flutter with RefreshIndicator. Tested with webview_flutter : ^4.4.2.

Getting Started

A simple working solution of pull down to refresh WebView page with RefreshIndicator and without SingleChildScrollView which causes issues with the WebView page scroll behavior of the rendered sites:

This version resolves following issues w/o SingleChildScrollView:

  • SingleChildScrollView has always the absolute height of the page e.g. if a text box was not expanded from the beginning (javascript), the scroll height exceeds the page height.
  • The WebView gets the whole scroll area height, but doesn't know the display size, so if a bottom or top modal sheet appears, they are not rendered correctly in the view area of the screen but in the absolute complete height of the scroll area, so then you have to scroll e.g. 6000px up and down.
  • The scroll position stays where you left somewhere in your previous absolute page height, if you browse further w/o a page refresh.


  • exceedsLoadingTime: Checks if loading time exceeds a maximum time (e.g. 3 seconds) to re-allow drag to refresh if page is still loading (Check pull_to_refresh.dart).
  • REFRESH_DISTANCE_MIN: Calculates in pull_to_refresh.dart from the screen size the needed dragging distance to start the refresh process (default is 0.2 WebView screen pixels).


I changed using ScrollNotification which RefreshIndicator interprets right when FixedScrollMetrics are set. So we have the original animation like in SingleChildScrollView or e.g. chrome browser.


Just use DragGesturePullToRefresh from my pull_to_refresh.dart like in my webview.dart example in yours (commented with // Here), that's it:

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_web_refresh/pull_to_refresh.dart';
import 'package:webview_flutter/webview_flutter.dart';

class MyWebViewWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  final String initialUrl;

  const MyWebViewWidget({
    Key? key,
    required this.initialUrl,
  }) : super(key: key);

  State<MyWebViewWidget> createState() => _MyWebViewWidgetState();

class _MyWebViewWidgetState extends State<MyWebViewWidget>
        with WidgetsBindingObserver {

  WebViewController _controller = WebViewController();
  late DragGesturePullToRefresh dragGesturePullToRefresh; // Here

  void initState() {

    dragGesturePullToRefresh = DragGesturePullToRefresh(); // Here
    _controller = WebViewController()
          onPageStarted: (String url) {
            // Don't allow RefreshIndicator if page is loading, but not needed
            dragGesturePullToRefresh.started(); // Here
          onPageFinished: (String url) {
            // Hide RefreshIndicator for page reload if showing
            dragGesturePullToRefresh.finished(); // Here
          onWebResourceError: (WebResourceError error) {
            //debugPrint('MyWebViewWidget:onWebResourceError(): ${error.description}');
            // Hide RefreshIndicator for page reload if showing
            dragGesturePullToRefresh.finished(); // Here

    dragGesturePullToRefresh // Here

    //setState(() {});

  void dispose() {
    // remove listener

  Widget build(context) {
    return RefreshIndicator(
      triggerMode: RefreshIndicatorTriggerMode.onEdge,
      onRefresh: dragGesturePullToRefresh.refresh, // Here
      child: Builder(
        builder: (context) {
          // IMPORTANT: Use the RefreshIndicator context!
          dragGesturePullToRefresh.setContext(context); // Here
          return WebViewWidget(
            controller: _controller,
            // Add it to the WebViewWidget
            gestureRecognizers: {Factory(() => dragGesturePullToRefresh)}, // Here

Differences w/o SingleChildScrollView or to e.g. the chrome browser

  • The RefreshIndicator shows no initial animation by dragging it down until the distance is reached to start the refresh process.
  • The web page scrolling is not blocked, when you start to drag down from the top position of the page to start the refresh process, e.g. like in the chrome browser. So the refresh process is stopped if start to drag down from the page's top position and then up before reaching the distance to start the refresh process. Check the method in refreshPage() in the pull_to_refresh.dart



Pull down to refresh `WebView` Page in flutter with `RefreshIndicator`.







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