This is a nitro type bot you can use to gain races on nitro type. Here is how to use it.
- Go to
- Create a new script for HTML Javascript and CSS.
- Paste the index.html code into the html section
- After you click run button you will see the code pop up. Above the thing that says NITRO TYPER BOT is a link. copy the link.
- Paste the link into your web browser(works in google and safari)
- enter the username of your account you want to bot on in the username
- enter the password of the account you want to bot on in the password
- enter the wpm that you want the bot to type
- enter the accuracy that you want the bot to type
- enter the amount of races you want the bot to type
- The bot will reduce the amount of races you do so that you reduce the chance of getting banned.
- If you need help, dm me on discord @some guy#3637